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red viking

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red viking last won the day on November 2 2024

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  1. Actually, many democrats agree that late term abortions of healthy fetuses with healthy moms, as well as castration of teenage boys, should be illegal. The difference is that they realize it is extremely rare to non existent and therefore a red herring. Wingers think these are both rampant, based upon crap they read on breitbart and hear on fox.
  2. And Trump regularly fills his diapers. Thats pathetic too. Anyway, you're deflecting. Arguments about Bidens cognitive abilities aren't in the conspiracy theory category anyway, either way. It's completely subjective.
  3. That's non-scientific and totally subjective so really a deflection on your part. Nice try though.
  4. You should slow down. Even if this is true, which I have to doubt to some extent since it's from the garbage NY Post, you should look at what the 5,700 "operations" were. I would bet anything that almost or all of them were things like breast reductions and almost all the interventions were reversible. I think your big concern here is boys getting their genitals removed or girls getting their vaginas removed, right? I would need to see some data to believe that there's even ANY of this going on but I can guarantee that it is EXTREMELY rare in this country. That being said, I agree with with you that this is wrong and should't be legal. Not a huge issue for me though if it's super rare, just like late-term abortions of perfectly healthy babies. The wingers like to believe the horror stories from Fox News, Breitbart and NY Post without any data to back it up.
  5. One is legal, by request, EXTREMELY rare (beyond maybe breast reduction for boys) and done by a doctor instead of being done for somebody's sexual gratification. WOW if you can't see the difference. Just WOW.
  6. These conspiracy theories have been explained. You can look them up. Are you a flat earther too?
  7. He hasn't found anything that we didn't already know about, after almost a full month. This is pathetic. And he has nothing to back up the claims that he's made.
  8. Well, they haven't uncovered any signfiicant fraud at all. Just claiming that there are "a lot" of 160 year olds getting social security that shouldn't get it, but they haven't provided any hard data to back their claims about widespread fraud. Besides, we all knew that there was SOME social security and medicare fraud. I'm still waiting to hear about all the new findings of fraud going on. As far as cuts, the problem is that they are deciding on their own what to cut. All of these cuts should be approved by Congress. As far as which ones are the most harmful to Americans, that is a matter of opinion. For me, I'd say firing inspector generals from all of the largest agencies, firing attorneys simply for working on the Jan 6 investigation (as they were instructed), pausing all federal grants and loans, and shutting down the consumer financial protection bureau are the worst ones.
  9. Funny that President Musk makes all these accusations about social security fraud, but only willing to do it on social media so far, and show no proof whatsoever. You can say whatever you want when you're accountable to nobody.
  10. He doesn't have authority to do either, by himself. This is much larger than anecdotal, cherry-picked expenditures through USAID. It is across federal agencies and laws.
  11. He is single-handedly (or double if you want to count President Musk) away money that was appropriated by Congress and also choosing NOT to enforce the laws that he is supposed to. Clearly violating the Constitution on two fronts. It really can't get any simpler.
  12. They obviously screwed up since they asked for the people to come back. Don't need to dig any deeper than that.
  13. more deflecting, and not even a good deflection since that's a local issue
  14. If you can't defend the actions of your tribe, just resort to ad hominem attacks. The wingers playbook.
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