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red viking

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  1. OK. Show me an area where he's actually accurate with what he says. Maybe we can start there.
  2. People support Trump typically because they think he is an outsider and going to shake up the establishment in Washington. That's what demagogues do. Obama was more mainstream, unless you think he's an outside because of his skin color. I suppose plenty of racists think that.
  3. Ĥe loves attention. He also knows that his minions don't really care whether he lies, or are too dumb to recognize when he does. Either way, they really don't care how bad he is as long as he riles them up with the rhetoric they want to believe anyway.
  4. Everybody should have equal say. It's that simple. Amend the constitution. Overhaul it, actually. Written by a bunch of power hungry slave owners.
  5. Why do these idiots keep deflecting to Biden? Did he re-enter the race or something?
  6. Look at the definition of a demagogue. Trump fits it. Obama was a typical politician.
  7. Completely different subject. Also dumb.
  8. Because we are slaves to Israel. When daddy Netenyahoo tells us to bend over, we say "how far?"
  9. Reading this page about demagogues: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demagogue Looks like Trump is the epitome of this. Can't imagine anybody fitting it more perfectly. Literally everything he does fits this mold. Amazing.
  10. Going to new heights never encountered by mortal man almost every day. Soaring like an eagle, the bird that symbolizes the freedom, courage and strength that this country was founded upon. Founding fathers would be very proud. President Biden and VP Harris; I know you probably aren't going to read this, but if you do for some reason, THANK YOU!
  11. No. I would still keep the U.S. Congress, President and judges. Just fire the entire U.S. Senate. Electoral college has just been voting for whoever wins their state. So votes in less populated states count several times more than those in more populated ones. Let's count them equally. But those big rich landowner cattle ranchers in WY are too important, huh? Gotta give them more power?
  12. Don't care. He isn't running anymore. His presidency is almost done too. U r not only a hypocrite but now also deflecting. WOW!!
  13. Lol. The wingers suddenly don't care about fitness now that biden is out of the picture. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.
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