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red viking

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red viking last won the day on November 2 2024

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  1. Notice a trend there with income of the country vs tariff rate?
  2. Plenty to discuss w this in the near future....direct result of the trade war they started. He panicked and backtracked to some extent today, agsin, but the markets realize he's unhinged, has no idea,what he's doing and is completely unpredictable. China won't back down and is willing to go to WAR. Gotta stand up to bullies. Hopefully Canada stays strong too. What's right is right, even if it hurts my pocketbook.
  3. Plenty to discuss w this in the near future....direct result of the trade war they started. China won't back down and is willing to go to WAR. Gotta stand up to bullies.
  4. Sure. Assume he can bully everybody simply because we are the biggest buying market. Arrogant and naive to assume that everybody is gonna lay down for us and that these other countries can't form new trade alliances w each other. How about they abandon the dollar as the reserve currency of the world? The stock market traders are just idiots and have no idea what they're doing.
  5. Hes all over the place, constantly going back and forth and changing his mind. Has no idea what he's doing and most likely just reacting to the tumbling stock market. Laughing stock of the world as he isolates himself and trusts Putin above all our (historical) allies. This Musk presidency is more of a disaster than I even thought it would be.
  6. Meanwhile, stock market crashes. But he's a hero for focusing on space transgenders in sports and his golfing.
  7. Ya gotta start looking at other sources of info and not just whacko winger fringe media.
  8. Yah, mostly right after the person had died. And most of that was NOT cashed. FAIL!!
  9. completely different. Chinese companies own a ton of assets on U..S. soil itself.
  10. Well, that coward has never stood up to Putin once, nor any other leader of a powerful nation. He's a bully that will only pick on those weaker than him. He's a coward punk. China just stood up to him in a HUGE way and he's being silent on that
  11. Why do people continue to believe everything diaper boy says? He literally lies every single time he opens his mouth. The Panama Canal was NEVER controlled by China. Period. The entire premise behind this thread is b.s.
  12. Great theatrics by diaper boy
  13. https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/politics/2025/03/05/what-is-trumps-approval-rating-heres-what-the-latest-polls-show/81571173007/
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