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red viking

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red viking last won the day on November 2 2024

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  1. All Tesla products are overpriced garbage. Also, a great way to get yourself burned alive. No thanks.
  2. Yup. Of course, it's all "fake news," just like every single report of wrongdoing by a winger.
  3. Another overpriced and dangerous Tesla product?
  4. Any report that exposes the corruption of diaper Donald MUST be "fake."
  5. Basically genocide. No wonder u support the Israeli atrocities over there.
  6. Israel has the most modern weapons in the world, because we literally give them whatever they need at taxpayer expense. Hamas is literally fighting with sticks and stones. There's no way in hell that they can fight Israel using conventional tactics. Going right out in the open is suicide. If Israel wants to be the bully and invade Gaza and continue to forcibly take more land, its their responsibility to at least minimize the deaths of innocent civilians. Minimal effort though, if any.
  7. Irrelevant. The murder, rape and genocide of 95% innocent civilians is the problem. And deliberate starvation of the rest of the population.
  8. Yah; killing tends of thousands of innocent civilians (mostly kids) is a good reaction to a few dozen people being killed in October. Take off the red-tinted goggles. Not to mention continuing to take more land away from other innocent Palestinians.
  9. If I had several family and friends murdered by the Israelis, hell yah. Real men don't roll over to bullies.
  10. The response. Highly disproportionate, just like every single Israeli response since 1948. The west is paranoid about anything resembling anti-Semitism, so Israel gets a blank check to do whatever they want over there. No way they would have even come close to committing all of these atrocities if it wasn't for the knee-jerk reaction to HItler.
  11. Too long of a list of significant concerns/items. He's a piece of toilet trash.
  12. I can guarantee that if I lived in Palestine and had relatives and family that were murdered and raped by the Israelis (which most Palestinians have), I would be 1st in line to be looking for retribution. Has nothing to do with religion.
  13. ANY TIME you commit the genocide and brutality that Israel is committing (and has committed for decades while it continues to forcibly take more land from the Palestinians), it is only going to fuel the anger and hatred that so many Muslims feel. What has occurred in that area, which we've blindly supported, is one of the greatest atrocities in the modern era.
  14. Funny how the wingers give credit to somebody that isn't even President yet. Meanwhile, Biden still gets the blame for anything that goes wrong. Ahhh, the hypocrisy of the right once again......
  15. Diaper Donald will offer blind support to Israel. They have a blank check to commit whatever atrocities they want.
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