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red viking

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red viking last won the day on November 2

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  1. This is more right-wing sematics deflections He's a felon. Documented. Done deal.
  2. Maybe she's just screwed up. I think parents and other people get too much blame. A lot of times, kids just have mental health issues. Especially teens. But yah, her Christian and right wing upbringing probably didn't help.
  3. No. Diaper donny's 1st cabinet was WAY better than these clowns.
  4. Diaper Donny has appointed the most incompetent cabinet in U.S. history.
  5. I'm glad my mom kicked out her 2nd husband and she couldn't live with my dad either due to his lifestyle. They both would have been miserable since he refused to modify his lifestyle. Most of the time divorce is better when parents don't get along. You're living in your own anecdotal bubble.
  6. My mom was divorced 3x and my dad once. My brothers and I were all fine. This is simply Republican winger BS theories that aren't supported. Sure, the average kid from broken family has, on average, more issues than the kid that isn't but first of all it isn't necessarily a strong cause-effect relationship and secondly there are many many other factors that can lead to problems for a kids. Simply ignorance. That's what this is.
  7. We should outlaw presidential pardons. They clearly aren't in the best interest of the general public and simply allow people to get away with crimes simply because they support somebody powerful.
  8. https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/12/12/congress/joni-ernst-trump-hegseth-00194070
  9. She appears to be backing down from what I heard.
  10. It's all very public already. All of the threats related to funding and getting rid of people by funneling dark money behind other Republicans in primaries are already out there. Mostly against the Republican lady from IA.
  11. Wasn't my intent. It's probably mostly her own issues and not her parents' fault. Just saying that IF you want to put the blame on the parents (which wingers like to do), dad appears to be a fellow winger. I think it's probably not his fault though.
  12. All I can tell is that her and her dad went to the shooting range together and he was very proud that she was there. Also appears to be a staunch Christian. Not necessarily a bad guy though.
  13. Again, you're simply going by the accusations of a very unstable teen.
  14. Parents are probably dogmatic Christians BTW.
  15. LMAO. I'm sure a 17 year old's opinion about his/her parents is always very reliable. Teens are so objective about their parents, especially mass shooters.
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