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Posts posted by ionel

  1. 21 minutes ago, neweruser69 said:

    ... different cats. Messenbrink is utterly overwhelming at all times.

    Speaking of which, Mitch Messenbrink has to be like top 5 all time least fun guys to wrestle. Gotta suck to be out there for 7 minutes with that guy. 

    But has he ever gone 7 minutes or maybe you are thinking of a different cat?  🤔

  2. WS ranks 

    125: Cruz 37 LD Smith 13 0-3

    133: Ayala 2 WMD Van Dee 20 4-3

    141:  Schriever 63 LMD Hardy 4 4-7

    149: Parco 4 LD Lovett 3 4-10

    157:  Estrada 70 LD Taylor 6 4-13

    165:  Calendo 3 WD Minto 13 7-13

    174:  Kennedy 5 LD 🚗 🔥 9 7-16

    184: Arnold 7 LD Allred 9 7-19

    197:  Buchanan 1 WMD McDaniel 40 11-19

    285:  Kueter 13  WMD Andrews 35 15-19

    • Ionel 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Cody is taller than Cael....seriously?

    Its in Cael's contract that the camera angle should always make him appear taller but it just ain't so ... Cael is the little brother but he's still too lanky.

  4. 18 minutes ago, PNWfan said:

    Agree that Ferrari's style seems to translate well when the stakes get higher, but I'm still anxious to see him against some of the top-tier at 197 (Barr, Cardenas, Buchanan). We have not really seen him yet against the best guys, and I'm curious how his conditioning will be in those matches. If anyone remembers the match against Glazier last year before the splits and double-birds, he was definitely sucking wind at the end of that match.



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