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Everything posted by lightweight

  1. Caution on Pitt. Reversal for Ill, 9-8 Ill. Big scramble on the edge. Still showing Ill in control, although Solomon looking good. Officials review now.
  2. Solomon escapes. On their feet Solomon gets the TD 8-7 with a nice comeback. Less than a minute remaining in the second period.
  3. Solomon tries a roll. Gets caught in a tilt. 7-0 for Ill. Scoreboard is wrong. Scoreboard fixed. Solomon with an escape point. Webster has a leg. Solomon gets behind for the TD at the buzzer. 7-4 to end the period.
  4. Solomon vs Webster at 149. Webster with a quick TD
  5. Ill gets the TD in SV. 6-3 win.
  6. Ill takes neutral in the third. Shot and reshot. Scramble for no score. Ill gets a TD off of a bad Pitt move. Now one minute remaining. 3-2 Ill so far. Stall on Ill. Pitt working but Ill defending. Late stall call on Ill. Off to SV.
  7. Pitt out quickly in the second. Some underhook ties but no throws. No more scoring.
  8. Ill in deep and low but Matthews over the back and snags an ankle for the stalemate. On their feet . Trip attempt by Ill. Lots of fakes but little legitimate work. Nothing in the first period.
  9. 141 Cole Matthews #13 vs #27 Pucino.
  10. Ill stands and turns for the escape in the third. Ill with half a minute of RT. Close to a minute remaining. Pitt with slim lead. Front headlock for Pitt, fought off by Ill. half a minute. Pitt playing the edge and hit with stalling. 5-4 win for Pitt.
  11. Restart which lets Pitt choose down again. Pitt reverses again. Got Ill legs split and posting on his head. 5-3 Pitt and end of period.
  12. Pitt starts down. Scramble. Madrigal in control. On the edge. Restart. Granby roll to a reversal for Pitt. Action stopped for injury time.
  13. Locked hands call after review. 3-1 Illinois.
  14. Pitt with a taped up right wrist. Little action in first half of the period. Madrigal in on a single. TD on the edge. Fifteen seconds remaining. Near reversal and a brick from the Pitt bench. Under review.
  15. 133 #17 V. Santaniello vs #24 Madrigal
  16. Start neutral for third so Illinois preserving the slim RT. Tied up on their feet. Camacho has had all the action on their feet so far but no points to show for it. Half a minute left. Crowd wants a stall (flee) but they circle back in and Camacho gets the TD. Cardani roll through countered by Camacho. 4-0 victory for Pitt.
  17. Camacho starts down in the second. Cardani captures the wrist, Camacho trying to tripod up. Cardani carries him OB. Restart, Cardani hit for stalling as they again go OB. Camacho finally escapes, but Cardani with one minute of RT. Cardani playing the edge. End of the period.
  18. 125 Camacho vs Cardani. Camacho in deep but Cardani able to flee to the border and get a restart. Cardani flattened out by trying come up. Camacho hanging over with an ankle. Restart on the edge. One minute remaining. Camacho has him again but Cardani rolls out of bounds to defend the TD. Still 0-0
  19. Pitzer down and stands. Mat return. second mat return. third. fourth. OB. Switch attempt. Stands and turns for the escape. One minute remaining. Tied up. Luffman happy to hang out. Pitzer with a single leg for the TD! Lots of action and Pitzer wins 10 -3! Big finish, nearly a fall from Pitzer's cradle.
  20. Locked hands call, point for Luffman and an escape on the restart. 0-2 for Luffman.
  21. Luffman starts down. Pitzer defeats the standup. Pitzer defeats a roll attempt. Caution on Luffman. Pitzer riding tough. One minute left. Pitzer defeats a switch attempt. Stall on Pitzer as they go out. Brick from Illinois bench. Announcers speculate they are looking for locked hands. Video review dragging on. Team score 10-6 through five matches.
  22. Luffman shoots but Pitzer whizzers him off. 1.5 minutes remaining. Half shot from Luffman. Just tied up now to finish the period.
  23. Big match now, Pitzer #11 vs. #8 Luffman.
  24. Pettigrew takes down. Cautioned. Now stands and turns. Stout another low single. OB with no TD. Back to the center. One minute remaining. Pettigrew blast double. Optional start on the restart. Now Pettigrew more active. 7-4 with RT for Stout.
  25. Stout starts down, reverses almost immediately. Pettigrew stands but Stout with the mat return. One minute remaining, Stout dominating. RT over two minutes now. Stall on Pettigrew. End of the second 5-0
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