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Dubble Leg

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  1. Marcus Blaze already beat 3 NCAA champs and 2 runner-ups and he’s a senior in high school.
  2. Forgive my ignorance, but are Nokogiri and Ruby Rails possible solutions to scraping Track?
  3. This would be amazing. I’d be willing to pay for that script.
  4. This would be amazing. I’d be willing to pay for that script.
  5. I've tried. They don't have an API.
  6. It only has the finals matches though, not all matches in the tournament.
  7. Does anyone know if there's a way to pull large amounts of data from TrackWrestling? I'm running match analytics/statistics and was hoping there was a better way than going into each event and copying and pasting results for each weight class.
  8. I’m in the same boat with my site. I get by with plugins but I’m sure there are better ways to display data. I actually had a guy on Upwork write a custom plugin for me. Very reasonable price.
  9. Nice site Jason! Really impressed. That’s the first time I’ve seen it.
  10. Thanks Britt! @SetonHallPirate This is great. Couple questions: Is there a way to dump all of the data into a cvs/excel? Do you have tables for previous years as well? I didn't see a link on your site. Thanks Dub
  11. Anyone know if there is a database with all division 1 wrestling results? I know wrestlestat has searchable match results but I’d like to be able to access the entire dataset to run some stats. Does wrestlestat compile their own data or are they pulling from somewhere?
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