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  1. He will be at Oregon St. Next year.
  2. The portal is officially is opened
  3. This class has so many talented HWY prospects; but one I feel that isn’t talked as much about is Coby Merrill. I think there’s a possibility he is better than Ross and Mocco. Does anyone have insights on where Coby may land? I don’t know anything about his recruitment; but it’s crazy if most schools aren’t knocking down his door.
  4. Taye to Michigan!! Interesting to see that OkieSt. was also going hard after him. They definitely will have their hands deep in the portal this year.
  5. Zach Redding in the portal! That will be a great pickup for someone who needs a 141 lber.
  6. I’d be extremely shocked if he transferred out, he seems pretty dedicated to Minnesota and the coaching staff; but so did Nagao… he literally cried over his teammates when he AAd his freshman year. He has regressed tremendously, just goes to show that not all people progress at bigger programs. That would suck if Vance left though, wish he stays and wells redshirts. He’s tough.
  7. Portal Opens up on Wednesday, going to be interesting who ends up in the portal next week!
  8. I agree, Adam Waters should be higher! He is a can’t miss recruit in my Opinion. I think he would handily beat Ludington at 190 and I love Ludington and believe he will do great at Iowa.
  9. I would be shocked if PSU is in the market for a Heavyweight when they have Cole Mirasola for the next 4 years. He is a legit threat next year after most of the Heavyweight graduate this year.
  10. Also, @Husker_Du do you have any guesses where these great guys end up? Or who’s leading in their recruitment? Would love to hear your insight! My guesses are: Raney Twins: Iowa, Illinois, or OkieSt. Adam Waters: Nebraska, OkieSt., or Lehigh Coby Merrill: Stanford, or Arizona St. Michael Mocco: Iowa or Ohio St.
  11. Also, @Husker_Du I have heard that there is a 2026 high level commit who is opening up their commitment, is there any truth to this? Have you heard anything through the grape vines?
  12. There are still a lot of great wrestlers still uncommitted! Where do you think the Raney Twins, Adam Waters, and Coby Merrill land ??
  13. That’s interesting if true, but that would be odd to send off your most high valued wrestler and not use him to be the face of the program or use as a catalyst to change Campbell course. Totally get it though. He deserves to get paid! Just unfortunate if he can’t do it at a smaller program. But all understandable, let’s see where he lands!
  14. Or I’m guessing OkieSt. It will definitely be Michigan or OkieSt. Any Thoughts? Also, would this be considered poaching..? Season hasn’t even ended yet and he is already listed as do not contact in the portal. Campbell was going from 9 scholarships to 3 but it seemed like he would never leave Campbell (which is a little school that produces well at times). Maybe that had a play or someone is out poaching a little early and taking from a smaller program. interesting to say the least.
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