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State Placer (7/14)

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  1. Jacobe Smith? He was an AA not too long ago.
  2. Depends on the plan. I could see them bulking up Valencia and seeing what he has up at 197. He can’t be worse than what they had last year.
  3. Arizona State picks up a 2x NJCAA Champ in Aziz Fayzullaev. U23 Asian champ in ‘22. No idea what he’ll end up being, but interesting nonetheless.
  4. Ugly last couple months for ASU. Bummer. Was nice to have a national level team on the west coast.
  5. Mr. Martori leaving the Devil’s with one final parting gift?? A man can dream
  6. 157: Teemer 165: Barraclough 174: Ruiz 184: insert “intriguing” transfer
  7. If they could land Barraclough and whoever the mystery man is at 184, they could be on to something.
  8. It may not create a hole at 149, but it indirectly creates an additional hole at one of the upper weights. They could have plugged Larkin in at 157, even as a one year stop gap, and bumped everyone up a weight. Now, due to Parco leaving and ASUs inactivity in the portal, you’ll likely have a huge hole at two of 174, 184, and 197.
  9. Eh, ASU has actually been pretty weak when it’s come to additions through the portal since ‘21. Who have they gotten since Parco? Negron? McLane?
  10. This is going to be fun. Glad DT is taking the opportunity. I was beginning to believe nobody would ever be pried loose from the Death Star.
  11. Do they actually still have Martori’s money? I’ve heard drastically different things regarding that.
  12. Given the circumstances, yeah. You’re leaving a group of guys you’ve been through it with and a team that was capable of winning a trophy for a pay out. Is it heinous? No. Is it selling out? Yes.
  13. From what I know and have heard, the money most of these young men are receiving won’t be anything near life changing. It’ll basically give them one year jump on mid level employment. Loyalty matters, and if you jump ship at the first sight of a few dollars, you are in fact “selling out” and you should be subject to judgement.
  14. Appears Zeke got to Figs and had him issue a “clarifying” statement. Too bad, I wish more of these guys would get called out for chasing a bag.
  15. I didn’t say he didn’t develop. Your quote was created by you. I said he got blown past by a guy he was beating when he arrived. Claiming that as your developmental win isn’t necessarily glowing.
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