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  1. Well, I was thinking that you'd be able to watch your favorite team's home matches. Unlike hockey, a wrestling match can be filmed with a single camera. I also figure that colleges could get students to do play-by-play (maybe former high school wrestlers, maybe even backups from the varsity team-- good experience for them). Cameras and streaming equipment can be purchased for a few grand. All in all, it would not be very different from Flo (or Flo circa 2016).
  2. I was joking when I said I was not sure if Rofkin was Rudis. But it's true, I never heard of Rofkin before yesterday. And I am fine with that as it's a tiny company as far as I can tell and is much less prominent in the wrestling world than is Rudis. And I am familiar with your moniker, though I admit I do not know why. I guess you are so famous that everyone knows.
  3. Are you saying that you (and other creators) don't get any part of the $100 subscription fee (not as a salary, but as compensation of some kind)? If not-- and if you are not doing PPV-- I have no idea why you would use Rofkin instead of the far more popular YouTube.
  4. I know he says he does not do PPV (and I believe him). But doesn't Rofkin pay their creators, with that payment financed by subscriptions? I think he gets part of that.
  5. I am not sure. Many churches and temples post their services on YouTube. They don't do it to make money. They do it to provide a service. The ones I have see have just one still camera. That would not work with sports. They'd have to do a bit more. But rather than see it as a way to make money--it won't-- they might see it a a service to their fans and alums.
  6. it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it. That's you, dude.
  7. Big Twelve Big Ten
  8. Maybe some teams already do this (and some conferences do have their own cable channels) but why don't teams post their own matches and leave Flowrestling or Rofkin out of it? I don't know how much it would cost to put matches on YouTube or independent feeds, but wouldn't teams make some of that money back in contributions or goodwill?
  9. On the old board, it seemed like Iranian wrestling was one of the most popular threads. I never read it, but I thought it cool that it was there. What happened? Did the Iranians go somewhere else? Are they here in a less obvious way?
  10. What if they put wrestling on a site that was mostly porn or mostly klan rallies. Would you endorse that, too? I am not saying Rofkin is equivalent. But, as we have seen with Twitter recently, a lot of creators are wary of the company they keep.
  11. Can you pay Rofkin with Crypto? How about with a cryptocurrency I just invented this morning.
  12. Here's an idea: Merge Rofkin with TikTok. Then sell wrestling content in 7-second bites. Maybe a buck to see a single takedown-- if the finish is clean. If it's not clean, you will, quite naturally, pay more.
  13. Sorry if I failed to memorize (or read). I had never really heard of Rofkin before (I thought they made wrestling shoes) and was learning as I go and then summarizing to see if I got it. Maybe I was confusing Rokin with Rudis.
  14. It also makes sense to quit Flowwrestling because it's not clear if they will have ant wrestling to show, right?
  15. So Rofkin is basically for content that is not worthy of YouTube and it gives the fringe operator the chance to charge for his content if anyone is willing to pay. Is that it?
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