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The Inside Trip

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  • Birthday April 13

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  1. @TNwrestling well, it was before he confirmed it. @juniorvarsity I've not heard anything, I think many folks are just thrilled he is even back on the mats competing at this level.
  2. We should totally rename this thread to "Figueroa may be hurt but let's talk about Okie St."
  3. Ohio guy here...take it with a grain of salt but here are the popular opinions and rumors in Ohio.... Brandon Cannon will be competing to take Paddy's spot. Rumor has it Shumate is dropping to 184 for the starting spot. Not sure the rules but Rogotzke has a RS to use and he should as the consensus is that Ryan going all in for next year. Welsh is already stated he is RS this year.
  4. Imagine if Brent Metcalf would have been able to wrestle his true freshman year at the 2006 tournament. Would have made things really interesting.
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