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1032004 last won the day on January 26

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  1. They originally stated that they accepted the suspension. Haven’t seen if they’ve commented since the lawsuit
  2. 125 3 133 3 141 10 149 12 157 12 165 24 174 17 184 18 197 9 285 17 Even with this doomsday scenario, they are still looking at around 125 points and a likely championship
  3. Why would Stanford’s AD being on the way out be a bad thing? Isn’t he the one that tried to cut wrestling and the other sports? Also UNC has Bill Belichick now, I imagine they’ll draw some good audiences. I am surprised football accounts for that much more revenue than basketball though.
  4. It changed recently, maybe between 5-10 years ago. It used to be more geographically based and not really sure why they switched it up. It honestly may have had to do with splitting the Private schools up more
  5. Yes, but with the suspension I could certainly see the police thinking something like “he’s missing out on his 4th state title, that is probably enough punishment.” But instead he seems to be taking the stance that he doesn’t regret what he did.
  6. I wonder if he wouldn’t have gotten charged if he had accepted the suspension…
  7. No, it was a real question. Whether Biden blamed Trump for inflation is irrelevant to if you would blame Biden for a recession.
  8. Why’d they put both of the “victims” of trans idealogy on both sides of Usha Vance?
  9. He still thinks that 300 year olds are getting social security checks…
  10. NPR reported that the document was dated to have changed to $400 million in December, but did not appear in the Internet archive for that month. https://www.npr.org/2025/02/24/nx-s1-5305269/tesla-state-department-elon-musk-trump Technically, the x post I shared earlier is incorrect as the contract has not been cancelled, they just changed the name so they don’t give away who’s going to win the contract. I just thought it was funny that that would be the largest savings from DOGE.
  11. Yes, for less than $4 million in total ($483K for the cars). It was changed to $400 million in December, and later the reference to Tesla was removed.
  12. Sad to hear. I will be rooting for the Illini for him
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