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Irani last won the day on November 1

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  1. 18 year old Sina Khalil destroys Amir Reza Yazdani https://youtu.be/JZkKVNCdBCE?feature=shared
  2. You are correct
  3. I think Fardin Hedayati is right on his heels and will give him some tough competition
  4. I can only express my personal opinion. I would love to see Masoumi take over the spot, but so far Zare has completely dominated him, and none of their matches have been close. Masoumi is probably top 4 in the world, but there appears to be a big gap between him and Zare at the moment. Masoumi is still very young and I am hoping that he will continue to improve.
  5. video of Youssefi vs Magomaev at 79 kg https://video.varzesh3.com/video/359634/پیروزی-یوسفی-برابر-ماگومایف-در-وزن-79kg
  6. i cannot speak for all iranian fans, but as for me, I like the move. I think he has to cut too much at 86 and it impacts his cardio. This is all assuming he can come back from two shoulder surgeries
  7. Iran and Russia tied 5-5 in their dual match. Russia won the first 5 weights, and Iran won the 5 heavy weights Note that Ghassempour wrestled at 86. I think the rumors are true, he will wrestle 86 from now on, and if Hassan Yazdani comes back from his injury, he will move up to 92 and later 97
  8. He tore a knee ligament during his match with Taz https://www.khabarvarzeshi.com/news/476610/ادعای-آزادکار-ایران-با-رباط-پاره-مدال-گرفتم-از-صدای-زانویم
  9. Iran and Russia split the GR matches 5-5 , and Iran barely edged Russia on points. The Iran sports sites report that the officiating was very home friendly to Russia. https://sedayekoshti.ir/مسابقه-دوستانه-ایران-و-روسیه-پیروزی-نف/
  10. Iran and Russia will have their dual match in Moscow GR will be on Nov 22, and FS will be on Nov 23. The Iran FS is a bit depleted due to injuries, and only Amouzad, Ghassempour and Zare will be there from the A team You can read the list of the competitors from both teams, Here, with some help from Google Translate
  11. Azarpira also went under the knife after the Olympics. So did Nokhodi after the recent world championship
  12. There are rumors that Hassan Yazdani will move up to 92 next year after his recovery, with the goal of moving to 97 in time for the the next Olympics https://sedayekoshti.ir/حسن-یزدانی-تغییر-وزن-میدهد/
  13. We wanted him to lose every match against Iranians, but as wrestling fans, we can only respect him and his wrestling.
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