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  1. That was definitely the match that got the boos. I think people may have issues with Fix being in his 7th year of college which is absurd (not just for him there are others but he has become the poster boy for the absurdity) but I'm certain much of the booing was at the refs. Wrestling used to be decided on the mat (between 19-22 year olds!) and now appears to often be decided by committee.
  2. Regarding two Long Islanders in the finals I knew it happened a few times during what many would consider the heyday of LI wrestling (well the heyday + 2-5 college years). So we have: 1985: Chris Edmund (Tennessee/Freeport) wins (defeating an upstate NY guy from LI's Hofstra) Pete Capone; Wayne Catan (Syracuse/Bellport) loses 1986: Al Palacio (Long Beach/North Carolina), Pete Yozzo (Lehigh/Sayville), and Wayne Catan all lose Yozzo won in 1987.
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