This past week saw a slew of great duals, crazy matches, and upsets we didn't see coming. It also added to a shakeup in the Overall Fantasy Wrestler Rankings:
197 Trent Hidlay (NCST) powered his way into the #1 wrestler of Week 2 with a 26 Fpt performance in 5 matches (5.2 ppm) from WrangleMania and the Journeymen Classic. 285 Josh Heindselman (OU) came in second with 24 pts in 5 matches, and 165 Keegan O’Toole (MIZZ) edged out fellow weight-mate Dean Hamiti (WISC) by one Fpt (22 to 21 Fpts).
In the Overall Season Rankings, 184 Ryder Rogotzke (OHST) maintains atop the leaderboard with 33 Fpts. he currently leads by only one Fpts from149 Caleb Henson (VT) and 285 Josh Terrill (MSU).
Everybody’s new favorite wrestler, 133 Ryan Crookham (LEH) jumped from 17th to 6th in the Overall Standings while the Week 2 leader Trent Hidlay jumped from being outside the Top-25 to now 4th.
On to Week 3:
Week 3 starters a little earlier with several teams locking on Thursday: Army, Bucknell, Clarion, Minnesota, NC State, and West Virginia. Most of these teams have additional scheduled duals or tournaments listed later in this scoring week.
The main tournaments taking place include the Black Knight Invite, Keystone Classic, and Navy Classic, with some other tournaments with lighter D1 competition in the Daktronics Open, Roadrunner Open, and the Shorty Hitchcock Open.
As usual, entries are still coming in for each of these tournaments, so keep the notifications on for @FantasyD1Wrestl as updates will be posted to the InterMat Forum Fantasy Wrestling Board, and don’t forget to listen to the #FCWpodcast each week!
The #FCWpodcast can be watched through InterMat’s Rokfin Channel or listened to on your favorite podcast platform (Apple, Spotify, etc!)
A reminder of some important rules:
Wrestlers entered at a weight must compete at that weight or else their results will not be counted. Wrestlers in the “Floater” spots can compete at ANY weight and accumulate Fantasy points.
A wrestler will LOCK on your roster at 12pm ET on the day of their first competition for the week (refer to the SHP’s Week Preview).
Only results against D1 competition (starters, backups, and redshirts) will count towards Fantasy Points.
Check your league settings to know how many add/drops are permitted per week.
Wrestlers I Like This Week
Wrestler (School)- competition for the week [Proj Score]
*organized by tournament name first, then by school name*
Stevo Poulin (UNCO)- Arm Bar at the Armory [+6] , Black Knight Invite
Jack Maida (AMER)- Vs Utah Valley [+5] , Navy Classic
Dean Peterson (RUT)- Vs Virginia Tech [+3] , Black Knight Invite
Eddie Ventresca (VT)- @ Rutgers [-3] , Keystone Classic
Jett Strickenberger (WVU)- @ Clarion [+3] , Shorty Hitchcock Open
Caleb Smith (NEB)- Navy Classic
Patrick McKee (MINN)- @ Bucknell, @ George Mason, Vs Morgan State [+14]
Jakob Camacho (NCST)- @ Army, Arm Bar at the Armory [+7]
Matt Ramos (PUR)- Vs Northern Illinois [+3]
Jore Volk (WYO)- Vs Campbell [+3]
Dominick Serrano (UNCO)- Arm Bar at the Armory [+8] , Black Knight Invite
Kurt Phipps (BUCK)- Vs Minnesota [+3] , Navy Classic
Sam Latona (VT)- @ Rutgers [+3] , Keystone Classic
Mason Leiphart (F&M)- Keystone Classic
Michael Colaiocco (PENN)- Keystone Classic
Marlon Yarbrourgh (UVA)- Arm Bar at the Armory [+8]
Kai Orine (NCST)- @ Army, Arm Bar at the Armory [+7]
Chris Cannon (MICH)- @ Clarion , @ Rider [+6]
Domenic Zaccone (CAMP)- @ Wyoming [+4]
Evan Frost (ISU)- @ Wisconsin [+4]
Ryan Crookham (LEH)- Vs Pittsburgh [+3]
Dustin Norris (PUR)- Vs Northern Illinois [+3]
Rudy Lopez (UNCO)- Arm Bar at the Armory [+6] , Black Knight Invite
Jordan Titus (WVU)- @ Clarion [+4] , Shorty Hitchcock Open
Mitch Moore (RUT)- Vs Virginia Tech [+3] , Black Knight Invite
CJ Composto (PENN)- Keystone Classic
Brock Hardy (NEB)- Navy Classic
Vance Vombaur (MINN)- @ Bucknell, @ George Mason, Vs Morgan State [+12]
Lachlan McNeil (UNC)- @ Illinois , Vs Central Michigan [+8]
Jesse Mendez (OHST)- @ Columbia , @ Hofstra [+9]
Jack Gioffre (UVA)- Arm Bar at the Armory [+8]
Ryan Jack (NCST)- @ Army, Arm Bar at the Armory [+7]
Mosha Schwartz (OU)- @ Little Rock , Vs North Dakota State [+7]
Real Woods (IOWA)- Vs Oregon State [+4]
Anthony Echemendia (ISU)- @ Wisconsin [+4]
Greyson Clark (PUR)- Vs Northern Illinois [+3]
Mackenzie Bell (RID)- Vs Michigan [+3]
Gabe Willochell (WYO)- Vs Campbell [+3]
Caleb Henson (VT)- @ Rutgers [+4] , Keystone Classic
Ty Watters (WVU)- @ Clarion [+4] , Shorty Hitchcock Open
Dylan Chappell (BUCK)- Vs Minnesota [+3], Navy Classic
Graham Rooks (IND)- Keystone Classic
Ridge Lovett (NEB)- Navy Classic
Jackson Arrington (NCST)- @ Army, Arm Bar at the Armory [+12]
Dylan D’Emilio (OHST)- @ Columbia , @ Hofstra [+9]
Michael Gioffre (UVA)- Arm Bar at the Armory [+7]
Corbyn Munson (CMU)- @ Illinois , Vs North Carolina [+6]
Kyle Parco (ASU)- @ Missouri [+4]
Finn Solomon (PITT)- @ Lehigh [+4]
Justin Rivera (CAMP)- @ Wyoming [+3]
Victor Voinovich (IOWA)- Vs Oregon State [+3]
Casey Swiderski (ISU)- @ Wisconsin [+3]
Kellyn March (NDSU)- @ Oklahoma [+3]
Quinn Kinner (RID)- Vs Michigan [+3]
Vince Zerban (UNCO)- Arm Bar at the Armory [+9] , Black Knight Invite
Bryce Andonian (VT)- @ Rutgers [+4] , Keystone Classic
Tommy Askey (APP)- Keystone Classic
Lucas Revano (PENN)- Keystone Classic
Peyton Robb (NEB)- Navy Classic
Michael Blockhus (MINN)- @ Bucknell, @ George Mason, Vs Morgan State [+11]
Paddy Gallagher (OHST)- @ Columbia , @ Hofstra [+9]
Ed Scott (NCST)- @ Army, Arm Bar at the Armory [+8]
Dylan Cedeno (UVA)- Arm Bar at the Armory [+8]
Johnny Lovett (CMU)- @ Illinois , Vs North Carolina [+6]
Will Lewan (MICH)- @ Columbia, @ Rider [+6]
Jared Franek (IOWA)- Vs Oregon State [+5]
Chris Earnest (CAMP)- @ Wyoming [+4]
Cody Chittum (ISU)- @ Wisconsin [+4]
Joey Blaze (PUR)- Vs Northern Illinois [+4]
Brock Mauller (MIZZ)- Vs Arizona State [+3]
Brevin Cassella (BING)- Arm Bar at the Armory [+7] , Black Knight Invite
Derek Matthews (UNCO)- Arm Bar at the Armory [+6] , Black Knight Invite
Noah Mulvaney (BUCK)- Vs Minnesota [+4], Navy Classic
Peyton Hall (WVU)- @ Clarion [+4] , Shorty Hitchcock Open
Derek Gilcher (IND)- Keystone Classic
Bubba Wilson (NEB)- Navy Classic *might need to flex as he could be at 174
Cael Carlson (OU)- @ Little Rock , Vs North Dakota State [+8]
Cam Amine (MICH)- @ Columbia , @ Rider [+7]
Nick Hamilton (UVA)- Arm Bar at the Armory [+7]
Keegan O’Toole (MIZZ)- Vs Arizona State [+5]
AJ Kovacs (NCST)- @ Army, Arm Bar at the Armory [+5]
Domonic Baker (CAMP)- @ Wyoming [+4]
Holden Heller (PITT)- @ Lehigh [+3]
Stoney Buell (PUR)- Vs Northern Illinois [+3]
Donnell Washington (IND)- Keystone Classic
Nick Incontrera (PENN)- Keystone Classic
Shane Griffith (MICH)- @ Columbia , @ Rider [+4]
Justin McCoy (UVA)- Arm Bar at the Armory [+8]
Edmund Ruth (ILL)- Vs Central Michigan, Vs North Carolina [+7]
Carson Kharchla (OHST)- @ Columbia , @ Hofstra [+7]
Alex Faison (NCST)- @ Army, Arm Bar at the Armory [+5]
Travis Wittlake (ORST)- @ Iowa [+4]
Austin Murphy (CAMP)- @ Wyoming [+3]
Peyton Mocco (MIZZ)- Vs Arizona State [+3]
Luca Augustine (PITT)- @ Lehigh [+3]
Mekhi Lewis (VT)- @ Rutgers [+3]
Brian Soldano (RUT)- Vs Virginia Tech [+4] , Black Knight Invite
Roman Rogotzke (IND)- Keystone Classic
Lenny Pinto (NEB)- Navy Classic
Isaiah Salazar (MINN)- @ Bucknell, @ George Mason, Vs Morgan State [+13]
Rylan Rogers (MICH)- @ Columbia , @ Rider [+7]
Dylan Fishback (NCST)- @ Army, Arm Bar at the Armory [+5]
Trey Munoz (ORST)- @ Iowa [+4]
Holden Heller (PITT)- @ Lehigh [+4]
Caleb Hopkins (CAMP)- @ Wyoming [+3]
Will Feldkamp (ISU)- @ Wisconsin [+3]
John Poznanski (RUT)- Vs Virginia Tech [+4] , Black Knight Invite
Evan Bockman (UVU)- @ American [+4] , Keystone Classic
Austin Cooley (WVU)- @ Clarion [+4] , Shorty Hitchcock Open
Silas Allred (NEB)- Navy Classic
Trent Hidlay (NCST)- @ Army, Arm Bar at the Armory [+14]
Garrett Joles (MINN)- @ Bucknell, @ George Mason, Vs Morgan State [+10]
Max Shaw (UNC)- @ Illinois , Vs Central Michigan [+7]
Stephen Buchanan (OU)- @ Little Rock , Vs North Dakota State [+7]
Zach Glazier (IOWA)- Vs Oregon State [+4]
Julian Broderson (ISU)- @ Wisconsin [+4]
Rocky Elam (MIZZ)- Vs Arizona State [+4]
Levi Hopkins (CAMP)- @ Wyoming [+3]
Yaraslau Slavikouski (RUT)- Vs Virginia Tech [+3] , Black Knight Invite
Jimmy Mullen (VT)- Keystone Classic
Harley Andrews (NEB)- Navy Classic
Owen Trephan (NCST)- @ Army, Arm Bar at the Armory [+12]
Lucas Davison (MICH)- @ Columbia , @ Rider [+8]
Ryan Catka (UVA)- Arm Bar at the Armory [+8]
Nick Feldman (OHST)- @ Columbia , @ Hofstra [+7]
Josh Heindselman (OU)- @ Little Rock , Vs North Dakota State [+7]
Taye Ghadiali (CAMP)- @ Wyoming [+5]
Yonger Bastida (ISU)- @ Wisconsin [+5]
Cohlton Schultz (ASU)- @ Missouri [+4]
Boone McDermott (ORST)- @ Iowa [+3]