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  1. Now that the folkstyle season is almost over, I wanted to invite any and all Jewish wrestlers to the Lions of the Maccabi Wrestling Tournament that will take place at the Kaiserman JCC in Wynnewood, PA on April 6, 2025. I have included a flyer for the event as an attachment to this email that you can send to your Jewish athletes. Maccabi USA Wrestling is also hosting a Celebration of Jewish and Israeli Wrestling on April 5 that will include keynote speaker Amit Elor: 2024 Paris Olympic Gold Medalist. Amit will also conduct a technique clinic on April 6 before the tournament. Information about this wonderful event is included in the attachment. The Lions of the Maccabi tournament will be contested in freestyle and will have a USA Junior (grades 9-12) and Senior divisions for both men and women. More information about the tournament is included on the flyer. Please pass this information on to any Jewish wrestler on your roster so we can have an outstanding event. Feel free to email me with any questions. Thanks in advance for your help! Link to April 5, 2025: Lions of Maccabi Wrestling Event & Fundraiser Link to April 6,2025: Lions of the Maccabi Wrestling Tournament Entry The Lions of the Maccabiah Tournament Presented by Maccabi USA Wrestling.pdf
  2. Registration is now open for: The Lions of the Maccabiah Tournament Presented by Maccabi USA Wrestling+ April 6, 2025 Kaiserman JCC, 45 Haverford Rd Wynnewood, PA 19096 USA Wrestling Event: https://usawrestlingevents.com/event/2500180902\ USA Wrestling Membership Site: https://www.usawmembership.com/login USA Bracketing Site: https://www.usabracketing.com/login (All wrestlers will have to register for a USA Bracketing account to enter the tournament.) Weight Classes and Divisions: Junior Men (enrolled in 9th-12th grade): 45 kg, 48 kg, 51 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 71 kg, 80 kg, 92 kg, 110 kg Senior Men: (Born 2006 and earlier) *: 57 kg, 65kg, 74 kg, 86 kg, 97 kg, 125 kg Junior Women (enrolled in 9th-12th grade): 40 kg, 43 kg, 46 kg, 49 kg, 53 kg, 57 kg, 61 kg, 65 kg, 69 kg, 73 kg Senior Women (Born in 2006 and earlier) *: 50kg, 53kg, 57 kg, 62 kg, 68 kg, 76 kg *Notes: Any Junior division wrestler enrolled in 11th or 12th grade may compete in the Senior division. ALL SENIOR WRESTLERS WILL RECEIVE +2 KG TOLERANCE AT WEIGH INS. ONLY SENIOR WRESTLERS WILL RECEIVE THE EXTRA WEIGHT! + All wrestlers competing in the Lions of the Maccabiah wrestling tournament must be Jewish. Contact Maccabi USA Wrestling Coach Rob Prebish at: prebes_prebish@ccpsnet.net with any questions or concerns. THE LIONS OF THE MACCABIAH TOURNAMENT FLYER.pdf
  3. Maccabi USA Wrestling will host a National level tournament for Jewish Wrestlers in the UWW U17 and Senior age groups on April 6, 2025 at the Kaiserman JCC in Wynnewood, PA. The mission of Maccabi USA is to help build Jewish pride through sports and promotes support for Israel, Zionism, and Jewish continuity through athletic, educational, and cultural experiences for participants of all ages. Every four years (in the year after the Summer Olympics) Maccabi USA sends a huge delegation of athletes to compete in the World Maccabiah Games in Israel. The 2025 Games are tentatively scheduled for July 1-22 in Israel and includes a week-long program called Israel Connect that allows the delegation to fully immerse themselves in Jewish culture, history, and religion. The World Maccabiah Games is truly a remarkable experience. Here is some basic information regarding the wrestling tournament: Tournament Date: April 6, 2025 Tournament Location: Kaiserman JCC Wynnewood, PA Weight Classes: U17 (Born 2008-2010): 50 kg, 53 kg, 55 kg, 57 kg, 59 kg, 62 kg, 65 kg, 68 kg, 72 kg, 76 kg. Seniors (Born Before 2007): 57kg, 65kg, 74kg, 86kg, 97kg, 125kg Entry Fee: $25 per wrestler. ALL wrestlers must have a current USA Wrestling membership. Memberships are only offered online: USA Wrestling Membership Site The tournament will be contested in freestyle only and use the UWW U17 and Senior Olympic weight classes. Maccabi USA is working hard to develop and promote wrestling within Jewish communities in hopes of continued success at the World Maccabiah Games in Israel. Tentative Tournament Schedule: Sunday, April 6, 2025 Weigh Ins: 7-8 AM Clinic: 9-10 AM Wrestling: 10 AM- Conclusion Please contact Maccabi USA Wrestling Coach Rob Prebish at: prebes_prebish@ccpsnet.net with any questions or concerns.
  4. Coaches: My name is Rob Prebish; I was recently named as one of the coaches for the USA wrestling team that will compete in the 22nd World Maccabiah Games in Israel next summer (July, 2025). Together with Dan Chaid and Maccabi USA- the organizing association for the American Maccabiah movement, we are looking for the best Jewsh wrestlers in the county to try out for the Maccabiah Games team. The World Maccabiah Games is the third largest multi-sport event in the world, behind the Summer Olympics, and Pan American Games. Jewish athletes from all over the world will converge on Israel in the summer of 2025 to compete for Maccabiah glory. The USA wrestling team has consistently finished as one of the top performing nations in wrestling: dominating the freestyle competition, and holding their own in Greco Roman. Even with the current strife going on in Israel, we believe that the World Maccabiah Games will go on next summer. Coach Chaid and I, along with Maccabi USA and David Groverman, the Chair for the Maccabi USA Wrestling program, are looking for the best Jewish wrestlers to consider applying for the 2025 wrestling team. Please pass the following link on to your Jewish wrestlers: https://maccabiusa.com/22nd-maccabiah-sports-2025/ The World Maccabiah Games is an outstanding athletic and cultural event that all American Jewish athletes should strive to attend. Athletes spend three weeks traveling throughout Israel, learning about the culture, history, and significance of Israel and Judaism and return with a greater appreciation of their personal faith.Having experienced the World Maccabiah games as an athlete, it not only gave me the chance to compete internationally, but develop a deep love, understanding, and appreciation for the culture of Israel that has helped shape me into the person I am today. Please share this email with your athletes and encourage them to sign up to be considered for a spot on the 2025 World Maccabiah Games wrestling team. Instruct your wrestlers to email me directly- my contact information is listed below. We would like to have our team(s) selected by November 2024 so athletes have plenty of time to raise money to travel to Israel and participate in the 22nd World Maccabiah Games. Feel free to reply to this email with any questions. Maccabiah Games Wrestling Contacts Rob Prebish: Prebes_Prebish@ccpsnet.net Application Link: 22st Maccabiah Games Application Link
  5. If you know, you know... Was warming up one of my wrestlers at the State tournament...we were drilling on a really soft mat. Anyone who has wrestled at the VA States at the Salem Civic Center knows that the "Big Orange" mat is one of the softest mats ever. Kid hits a nice double on me, driving me to my butt, so I posted my hands on the mat. His momentum drove all of his weight to my right shoulder and my posted hand. Pinkie finger sinks into the soft mat and dislocates. I pop it back into the joint and resume drilling. But over the years, the pinkie slowly moved out of joint and is where it is today.
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