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Viewing Topic: Will Iowa be the first top-5 team to field a MAJORITY transfer lineup?
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Viewing Topic: Injuries: Euton, Nagao, et al
Viewing Topic: NFL football. The illegal hit on Trevor Lawrence. Trevor was in his slide going down already.
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Viewing Topic: Is Walz a threat to the Republic?
Viewing Topic: Top question recruits ask of Bono?
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Viewing Topic: Preview of the ILLINI/Indiana Fan Fest Dual and the Cougar Clash
2 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: Theoretical Question: entire first team replaced, and having to go with subs
Viewing Topic: Its Sasso Time!
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Viewing Topic: Official best lib poor reaction to Trump thread
3 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: It Didn’t Have to be This Way
Viewing Topic: Interesting about Trump's Tarriffs threat
Viewing Topic: D-1 Week in Preview, November 25-December 1
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Viewing Topic: Trump's Incompetent Cabinet
Viewing Breanna Packheiser in College Commitments
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