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  • Photo: Tony Rotundo

    Photo: Tony Rotundo

    2024-25 Week Eight Fantasy Leaders

    Movement Movement Movement. Thanks to multiple tri and quad meets along with some tournaments, we have a lot of Overall Standings movement, including a new #1.

    For these standings, we will be using the Basic Fantasy Scoring through @WrestleStat (Win by Dec +3, Loss by Dec -3, Win by Pin +6, Loss by Pin -6, etc). Only results against D1 competition (starters, backups, and redshirts) will count towards Fantasy Points. Standings are first ordered based on total Fpts, then if tied by Points Per Match (PPM). 

    Week 8 Notes:

    For Week 8, Josh Heindselman comes in as the top wrestler thanks to his bonus run through the Kent State Open with three pins and one tech. Coming in just behind Heindselman is Brown’s Blake Saito who had a similar run through the Kent State Open, but had a major in place of a pin to end the week with 21 Fpts.

    With the most matches in Week 8 to make the Top-32, Jacob Macatangay (PUR) wrestled six matches amassing 19 Fpts and good for #6 in the weekly standings.

    As for the Overall, a new #1 takes the lead with Brendan McCrone and Matt Ramos switching spots, and Evan Maag staying put as #2. McCrone bonuses all three of his Collegiate Dual matches by a different result (one pin, one tech, and one major). This pushed McCrone to 69 Fpts, while Ramos “only” had one match won by tech.

    Two wrestlers in the Overall Top-33 have hit the 20 match mark, with Garrett Thompson being the more successful than the other, Drake Rhodes. Garrett Thompson put in a 16 Fpt week 8 to jump into the Overall Top-10, while Rhodes finished Week8 with 11 Fpts and sits at #15.


    Week 8 Leaders

    FCW25 wk 8 standings.png


    Year-Long Fantasy Point Standings

    fcw25- overall 33 wk8.png

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