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    Takedown releases "Dear Coach"

    "Dear Coach"

    From my heart I bequeath to you today one little boy in a new singlet and shoes ... with two big wondering eyes, and a happy giggle that lasts all day long and a flash of blonde hair that gleams in the sun when he runs. I trust you will treat him well.

    He's slipping out of the wrestling room of my heart today and running off down the drive to his first day of school and wrestling practice with you. And never again will he be completely mine.

    Standing tall and proud he'll wave his young and determined hand this morning and say "good bye" and walk with little man steps to the school yard. Now he'll learn to stand in lines ... and wait for his name to be called when teams are picked. He'll learn to tune his ears to the sound of referee whistles, and he'll learn weight management, and he'll roll around, and he'll look away quickly when the little girl across the class looks his way.

    And now he'll learn to be jealous.

    he'll learn to win and lose.

    And he'll learn how it feels to hurt inside.

    And he'll learn how not to cry.

    No longer will he have time to sit on the front porch steps on a hot summer day and watch a bug scurry across the crack on a hot summer sidewalk. Nor will he have time to lay in bed past dawn for it is up at dawn with all speed to the next wrestling tournament. No, now he'll worry about important things.

    Like grades, and which clothes look cool ... and who he might have to beat for a place on the roster, and the magic of single leg takedowns and practice will replace the magic of bugs and puppies. And now, he'll find new heroes. And now he'll learn to share his worship with his coaches, which is only right, but no longer will I be the smartest person in the whole world.

    Today when that school bell rings for the first time, he'll learn what it means to be a member of a group, a team, with all its privileges. He'll learn in time that practice makes perfect and it's ok to laugh out loud. He'll learn that he may not have time to kiss dogs noses, or keep frogs in pickle jars, or watch bugs scurry across cracks on hot summer sidewalks.

    Today he'll learn for the first time that all who smile at him are not his friend. And I'll stand on the front porch and watch him start the long lonely journey to becoming a wrestler, a champion, a man.

    And so Dear Coach ...

    From my heart I bequeath to you today one little boy in a new singlet and shoes ... with two wondering eyes, and a happy giggle that lasts all day long and a flash of blonde hair that gleams in the sun when he runs. I trust you will treat him well.

    Adjusted by Scott Casber from the original version By Dan Valentine
    From the book "American Essays: Sentimental Classics Designed to Make the Heart Sing".
    Published by Geo. Mc Co., Box 15671, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115
    Copyright dates: 1960, 1961, 1963, 1965, and 1966 by Dan Valentine

    YouTube Video production by Takedown Wrestling Media

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