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    NWCA Convention set for Aug. 4-7 in Fort Lauderdale

    Harbor Beach Fort Lauderdale Resort Home to the 2011 NWCA Convention

    The 2011 NWCA Convention will be held at the Harbor Beach Fort Lauderdale Resort and Spa by Marriott, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The convention sponsored by Asics, Cliff Keen and Resilite, will be held August 4-7, 2011.

    The three day convention will be preceded by the NWCA Coaching Leadership Academy August 3-4, with 60 coaches from all divisions completing the training for the third year of the Academy.

    As in the past there will be both collegiate and scholastic sessions, including guest clinicians. This year's featured Clinicians are: Mark Cody head coach at The University of Oklahoma and current NWCA Coach of the Year and Bryan Snyder assistant coach at The University of Nebraska.

    This year's convention will focus on allowing both head and assistant coaches to grow as professionals within the coaching community. High school and college coaches from around the country are encouraged to join in this expansive networking opportunity with other coaches and wrestling companies.

    One of the many benefits of the convention is being able to address the governing bodies of the NCAA and the NFHS who will both have staff on site to discuss the new rule changes being implemented for the 2011-12 season, so that coaches can have a better understanding of why the changes were made and how they will be carried out.

    Sessions will range in topic from:

  • Using technology in recruiting
  • Choosing your team captain and assistant coaches
  • Laws of performance
  • Managing your career
  • Building a successful and sustainable program
  • All other session topics can be found on the NWCA Convention Page

    Convention attendees are able to take advantage of a $99 per night room rate during the convention, for more information on the hotel and how to reserve your room please visit the NWCA Website listed below.

    Convention registration can also be done through the NWCA Website through the Ticket Leap Registration Button. The Full Convention Registration is $225 also with the purchase of a Full Convention Registration an assistant coach from the same school can be registered for $175.

    The NWCA Board of Directors and NWCA Staff look forward to welcoming you to Harbor Beach, with the goal that this will be another productive and educational experience for all coaches.

    For more information visit the NWCA website (http://www.nwcaonline.com/nwcawebsite/events/nwcaconvention.aspx) or call the NWCA Office at 717-653-8009 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 717-653-8009 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

    The National Wrestling Coaches Association, established in 1928, is a non-profit organization for the advancement of all levels of the sport of wrestling with primary emphasis on developing coaches who work in academic environments. The membership embraces all people interested in amateur wrestling.

    The three core competencies of the NWCA are: Coaching Development, student-athlete welfare, and promotion of wrestling.
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