Below is a recap of last week's EIWA action, with individual news and highlights worth noting.
Notable News
Bucknell wins 7th match in a row – all against EIWA competition.
Ryan Miller earns EIWA Wrestler of the Week with a 4-2 win over Manchio of Columbia.
Colton Yapoujian of Cornell is out for the season with torn ACL. He was ranked 25th at 157lb.
The Eagles traveled to West Point, NY, to participate in extra countable matches with Army and Franklin & Marshall.
Jack Maida (133) went 2-0 on the day against one opponent of each school.
At 174lb, Tim Patrick defeated both of his F&M opponents, ending his day 2-0.
133: Jack Maida (AU) dec. Dominic Carone (Army), 3-1 SV
133: Jack Maida (AU) dec. Pat Phillips (F&M), 5-0
133: Andy Fallon (AU) pinned Jack Bruce (F&M), 4:41
133: Dominic Carone (Army) dec. Andy Fallon (AU), 3-2
133: Pat Phillips (F&M) major dec. Shamil Kalmatov (AU), 10-0
133: Jack Bruce (F&M) dec. Shamil Kalmatov (AU), 3-2
149: Ryan Zimmerman (AU) major dec. Chris Hisey (F&M), 13-2
149: Christiaan Dailey (F&M) dec. Ryan Zimmerman (AU), 5-0
149: Christiaan Dailey (F&M) tech. fall Michael Glynos (AU), 17-2
149: Chris Hisey (F&M) by inj. default vs. Michael Glynos (AU)
157: Antonio Segura (AU) dec. Chase McCollum (F&M), 4-1
157: Markus Hartman (Army) pinned Antonio Segura (AU), 1:04
157: Markus Hartman (Army) dec. Elijah White (AU), 6-0
157: Chase McCollum (F&M) dec. Elijah White (AU), 6-0
165: Dalton Harkins (Army) major dec. Breon Phifer (AU), 11-0
165: Crew Fullerton (F&M) pinned Breon Phifer (AU), 1:57
165: Crew Fullerton (F&M) pinned Luc Maschino (AU), 1:06
165: Dalton Harkins (Army) tech. fall Luc Maschino (AU), 18-0
174: Tim Fitzpatrick (AU) dec. John Crawford (F&M), 3-1
174: Tim Fitzpatrick (AU) major dec. Noah Fox (F&M), 10-2
174: Noah Fox (F&M) dec. Ben Root (AU), 8-3
174: Ben Pasiuk (Army) tech. fall Ben Root (AU), 18-2
184: Sahm Abdulrazzaq (Army) tech. fall Mervin Mancia (AU), 18-1
184: James Conway (F&M) major dec. Mervin Mancia (16-3)
184: Sahm Abdulrazzaq (Army) major dec. Colin Shannon (AU), 14-4
184: James Conway (F&M) dec. Colin Shannon (AU), 5-3
197: Connor Bourne (AU) dec. Kyle Swartz (Army), 10-3
197: Mike Waszen (F&M) pinned Connor Bourne (AU), 5:55
197: Carsten Rawls (AU) dec. Mike Waszen (F&M), 7-1
197: Kyle Swartz (Army) dec. Carsten Rawls (AU), 5-4
285: Cenzo Pelusi (F&M) dec. Isaac Righter (AU), 2-1
285: Kade Carlson (Army) dec. Isaac Righter (AU), 4-2
The Eagles got some much-needed mat time this weekend. They have a young team who basically missed all last season. Mat time is crucial for this team in order to keep improving. Jack Maida had some nice wins over a tough freshman in Phillips of F&M and Carone of Army. As I've repeatedly said in the past, this staff will bring this team into the middle-of-the-pack, sooner rather than later. Once they reach this mid-tier in the conference, the sky's the limit with them.
The Black Knights hosted both F&M and American to extra countable matches. See results below.
The middle of this lineup ended up being 2-0 on the day. Hartman (#29 – 157), Harkins (#30 – 165), Pasiuk, Abdulrazzaq all won - mostly by at least major decision.
A nice win at 141 for Shie, beating F&M's Gil.
125 - Ryan Chauvin
L by dec. Diaz (Franklin & Marshall) 4-2
L by fall Diaz (Franklin & Marshall) 5:41, 6-2
133 - Dominic Carone
L by dec. Maida (American) 3-1, sv1
W by dec. Fallon (American) 3-2
141 - Julian Sanchez
L by dec. Gil (Franklin & Marshall) 7-6
141 – Corey Shie
W by dec. Gil (Franklin & Marshall) 3-2
157 - Markus Hartman
W by dec. White (American) 6-0
W by fall Segura (American) 1:04, 6-0
165 - Dalton Harkins
W by major dec. Phifer (American) 11-0
W by TF Maschino (American) 4:01, 18-0
174 - Ben Pasiuk
W by fall Crawford (Franklin & Marshall) 6:59, 8-7
W by TF Root (American) 4:28, 18-2
184 - Sahm Abdulrazzaq
W by TF Mancia (American) 2:44, 18-1
W by major dec. Shannon (American) 14-4
197 - Kyle Swartz
L by dec. Bourne (American) 10-3
W by dec. Rawls (American) 5-4
HWT - Kade Carlson
W by dec. Righter (American) 4-2
HWT - Brandon Phillips
L by dec. Pelusi (Franklin & Marshall) 2-2, sv2
The Black Knights needed to get a few wins under their belt. After their killer first-semester travel schedule against some of the best teams in the country, this had to be a nice confidence booster for them. They are seeing the arduous strength of schedule pay off. To me, it appears the 141lb spot is a tight one between Sanchez and Shie – who've had similar results all year. With new volunteer assistant coach, Jesse Dellavecchia, working with the middleweights – you can easily see the results of the guys he works with coming to fruition.
The Bearcats took the trip to LIU for a dual against the Sharks. Their scheduled dual with Hofstra was canceled at the last minute, due to COVID protocol.
At 165lb, Brevin Cassella recorded a fall. As did Cory Day (184) and Joe Doyle (#20 – 285).
Lou DrPrez (#13 – 197) and Jacob Nolan (174) both earned decisions.
Anthony Sobotker (#32 – 133) earned a major decision.
Boxscore: Binghamton 28 – LIU 13
157: Rhise Royster (LIU) def. Tyler Martin (BING), dec. 4-2. LIU leads 3-0
165: Brevin Cassella (BING) def. Blake Bahna (LIU), fall 3:10. BU leads 6-3.
174: Jacob Nolan (BING) def. Ryan Ferro (LIU), dec. 8-2. BU leads 9-3.
184: Cory Day (BING) def. James Langan (LIU), fall 4:33. BU leads 15-3.
197: No. 13 Lou DePrez (BING) Nunzio Crowley (LIU), dec. 4-2. BU leads 18-3.
285: No. 20 Joe Doyle (BING) Tim Nagosky (LIU) fall, 1:06. BU leads 24-3.
125: Robbie Sagaris (LIU) def. Nick Curley (BING), dec. 5-4. BU leads 24-6.
133: No. 32 Anthony Sobotker (BING) Kaelen Francois (LIU), major dec. 9-1. BU leads 28-6.
141: Devin Matthews (LIU) Christian Gannone (BING) major dec. 11-3. BU leads 28-10
149: Drew Witham (LIU), def. Nick Lombard (BING), dec. 14-13. BU wins 28-13.
The Bearcats earned a bunch of bonus points in the one. This was a good showing by them. Binghamton has been very tough lately and competing at a high level. The coaching staff has this team improving week after week. With Cassella and Nolan on the verge of being ranked weekly, the team could potentially have six or seven ranked wrestlers in the top 33 by the end of the year. It is great to see a team like this taking that next step with all their depth.
The Bears were on the road to wrestle #10-ranked Cornell.
The lone win for the Bear came from Timothy Levine at 141lb.
Boxscore: #10 Cornell 47, Brown 3
125: Greg Diakomihals (C) won by fall over Hunter Adrian (B), 3:44
133: #30 Dom LaJoie (C) won by major decision over Nicky Cabanillas (B), 15-5
141: Timothy Levine (B) won by decision over Phillip Moomey (C), 7-0
149: #1 Yianni Diakomihalis (C) won by fall over Blake Saito (B), 3:42
157: Hunter Richard (C) won by major decision over Jack Bokina (B), 16-6
165: #9 Julian Ramirez (C) won by major decision over Harrison Trahan (B), 13-1
174: #14 Chris Foca (C) won by forfeit
184: Ethan Hatcher (C) won by technical fall over Aaron Wolk (B), 15-0
197: #18 Jacob Cardenas (C) won by forfeit
285: #18 Lewis Fernandes (C) won by fall over Mason Spears, 1:41
This was a tough test for Brown. Looking at two forfeits, they are also not the healthiest team at this point in the season. You never like to see that from anyone. This is one of those matches Brown will need to have a short memory about. Cornell is a tough team, and frankly, Brown cannot compete with them just yet. Here's to hoping they get back to the workshop and focus on improving (and healing up) for next week.
The Bison hosted Sacred Heart to a dual on Saturday. Then, they were on the road and wrestled at Drexel on Sunday.
Zach Hartman (#18 – 165) was 2-0 on the weekend with a win over Barczak (#28) of Drexel
At 197lb, Mason McCready was 2-0 with two bonus-point victories.
Luke Niemeyer won both matches at heavyweight.
The lower third of the lineup combined for a 6-0 record. This includes Brandon Seidman (125), Kurt Phipps (133), and Darren Miller (#21 – 141).
At 157lb, Nick Delp had a huge win over formally ranked, and NCAA Qualifier Kropman of Drexel.
Boxscore: Bucknell 43 - Sacred Heart 9
157: Nick Palumbo (SHU) dec. over Nick Delp (BU) 4-2
165: #18 Zach Hartman (BU) inj. default over Scott Jarosz (SHU) 0:33
174: Robert Hetherman (SHU) fall over Sam Barnes (BU) 0:39
184: Logan Deacetis (BU) fall over Joe Accousti (SHU) 2:28
197: Mason McCready (BU) fall over Logan Michael (SHU) 2:48
285: Luke Niemeyer (BU) fall over Nick Copley (SHU) 1:49
125: Brandon Seidman (BU) maj. dec. over Jacob Venezia (SHU) 10-0
133: Kurt Phipps (BU) maj. dec. over Anthony Petrillo (SHU) 13-2
141: #21 Darren Miller (BU) tech fall over Jordan Carlucci (SHU) 17-2 (6:09)
149: Kolby DePron (BU) fall over Cole McGill (SHU) 1:57
Boxscore: Bucknell 23* – Drexel 13
165: #18 Zach Hartman (BU) dec. over #28 Evan Barczak (DU) 7-1
174: #15 Mickey O'Malley (DU) fall over Sam Barnes (BU) 3:46
184: Bryan McLaughlin (DU) dec. over Logan Deacetis (BU) 6-4
197: Mason McCready (BU) maj. dec. over Santino Morina (DU) 8-0
285: Luke Niemeyer (BU) dec. over Eli Anthony (DU) 3-1
125: Brandon Seidman (BU) dec. over Kyle Waterman (DU) 6-2
133: Kurt Phipps (BU) maj. dec. over Deon Pleasant (DU) 12-4
141: #21 Darren Miller (BU) maj. dec. over Jared Donahue (DU) 10-2
149: Tyler Williams (DU) maj. dec. over Kolby DePron (BU) 15-5
157: Nick Delp (BU) dec. over Parker Kropman (DU) 13-11 (SV-1)
As Zoolander would say -“Those Bison are so hot right now.†Winning their last seven matches, they are now 10-2 on the year. In EIWA competition, they are 6-0. This team is solid in all positions. They get takedowns from neutral, and they are brutal on top. Being at the match on Sunday against Drexel, Bucknell simply out-wrestled them in most matches. I am super impressed with this team. On paper, they do not seem like a team that would have a 10-2 record – with only two wrestlers nationally ranked. They just find ways to win, as a team, with various teammates stepping up when needed. Look out for the Bison.
The Lions wrestled two EIWA opponents on the road Saturday and Sunday. Princeton was the first matchup, followed by Penn.
Angelo Rini (133), Dominic Rossetti (149), and Nick Fine (174) were all 1-1 on the weekend.
Both Matt Kazimir (#18 - 141) and Josh Ogunsanya (#21 – 165) won their single match on the weekend.
Boxscore: Princeton 27, Columbia 12
125: No. 2 Patrick Glory (PRI) def. No. 18 Joe Manchio (COL) TF 17-2
133: Angelo Rini (COL) def. Nick Kayal (PRI) dec. 13-7
141: No. 18 Matt Kazimir (COL) def. Danny Coles (PRI) dec. 1-0
149: Dominic Rossetti (COL) def. Marshall Keller (PRI) OT3 5-4
157: No. 11 Quincy Monday (PRI) def. Andrew Garr (COL) F (4:11)
165: Blaine Bergey (PRI) def. Connor Kievman (COL) dec. 11-5
174: Nick Fine (COL) def. Nate Dugan (PRI) dec. 6-0
184: No. 21 Travis Stefanik (PRI) def. Brian Bonino (COL) dec. 7-2
197: No. 17 Luke Stout (PRI) def. Sam Wustefeld (COL) F (5:45)
285: Matt Cover (PRI) def. Danny Conley (COL) maj dec. 8-0
Boxscore: (#23) Penn 32, Columbia 3
174: No. 25 Nick Incontrera (PEN) def. Nick Fine (COL) dec. 10-6
184: No. 32 Neil Antrassian (PEN) def. Jack McGill (COL) dec. 5-2
197: Cole Urbas (PEN) def. Sam Wustefeld (COL) def. 8-2
285: No. 33 Ben Goldin (PEN) def. Danny Conley (COL) dec. 6-0
125: No. 29 Ryan Miller (PEN) def. No. 18 Joe Manchio (COL) dec. 4-2
133: No. 19 Michael Colaiocco (PEN) def. Angelo Rini (COL) maj dec. 14-4
141: No. 19 CJ Composto (PEN) def. Mason Clarke (COL) TF 20-5
149: No. 24 Anthony Artalona (PEN) def. Dominic Rossetti (COL) dec. 5-2
157: No. 22 Doug Zapf (PEN) def. Andrew Garr (COL) TF 20-5
165: No. 21 Joshua Ogunsanya (COL) def. No. 25 Lucas Revano (PEN) dec. 3-2
It may not have been the best weekend for the Lions. It's been a rough two weeks after losing to #17 Lehigh and #4 Oklahoma State last weekend. This same team nearly pulled an upset over the top EIWA team in Lehigh. Both Kazimir and Ogunsanya sat for a match this weekend, assuming they may be a little banged up. Manchio had a tough weekend as well, dropping two matches to ranked opponents. I'm confident this team will be fine. It could have been a rough week of training, due to their cycle. Maybe they are a little injured too. I expect them to bounce back in the next few weekends.
Cornell (#10)
The Big Red hosted two Ivy-League opponents, Harvard and Brown, this weekend. They won both duals in dominant fashion, with a few missing starters.
At 125lb, Greg Diakomihalis filled in nicely for Vito Arujau, scoring two victories.
Dom LaJoie (#30 – 133) walked away with two major decisions.
Yianni Diakomihalis (#1 – 149) showed why he is the top-ranked wrestler with two pins.
At 157lb, Hunter Richard was solid with two wins also. Expect to see more of him this season.
The remaining starters at the top of the lineup went 2-0 on the day as well, including Julian Ramirez (#9 – 165), Chris Foca (#14 – 174), Jacob Cardenas (#18 – 197), and Lewis Fernandes (#18 – 285).
Boxscore: #9 Cornell 35, Harvard 6
125: Greg Diakomihalis (C) won by decision over Beau Bayless (H), 9-2
133: #30 Dom LaJoie (C) won by major decision over Dillon Murphy (H), 14-5
141: Kenny Hermann (H) won by decision over Phillip Moomey (C), 8-1
149: #1 Yianni Diakomihalis (C) won by fall over Lukus Stricker (H), 1:58
157: Hunter Richard (C) won by decision over Trevor Tarsi (H), 6-4 (sv1)
165: #9 Julian Ramirez (C) won by technical fall over Alex Whitworth (H), 16-1 (3:45)
174: #14 Chris Foca (C) won by decision over #29 Joshua Kim (H), 8-2
184: Luke Rada (H) won by decision over Ethan Hatcher (C), 5-3
197: #18 Jacob Cardenas (C) won by technical fall over Nick Marcenelle (H), 17-0
285: #18 Lewis Fernandes (C) won by forfeit
Boxscore: #9 Cornell 47, Brown 3
125: Greg Diakomihalis (C) won by fall over Hunter Adrian (B), 3:44
133: #30 Dom LaJoie (C) won by major decision over Nicky Cabanillas (b), 15-5
141: Timothy Levine (B) won by decision over Phillip Moomey (C), 7-0
149: #1 Yianni Diakomihalis (C) won by fall over Blake Saito (B), 3:42
157: Hunter Richard (C) won by major decision over Jack Bokina (B), 16-6
165: #9 Julian Ramirez (C) won by major decision over Harrison Trahan (B), 13-1
174: #14 Chris Foca (C) won by forfeit
184: Ethan Hatcher (C) won by technical fall over Aaron Wolk (B), 15-0
197: #18 Jacob Cardenas (C) won by forfeit
285: #18 Lewis Fernandes (C) won by fall over Mason Spears, 1:41
The Big Red showed off their depth this weekend, sitting some starters in the process of dominating two Ivy League foes. We missed out on the top 12 matchup at 165 between Ramirez and Conigliaro of Harvard. Cornell is still a very strong team that we know will be in the hunt to win that first-place trophy at EIWA's in March – in their home gym, under new head coach Mike Grey, after missing competition last year. What a great ending that would be, huh?
The Dragons hosted Bucknell to an EIWA dual at home, which they ultimately lost.
Mickey O'Malley (#16 – 174) did his typical thing and came away with a fall
At 184, we saw Bryan McLaughlin return to the lineup and gut out a 7-4 win
The final victory of the night came at 149lb, where Tyler Williams looked dominant in his major decision
Boxscore: Bucknell 23, Drexel 13
165: Zach Hartman def. Evan Barczak, 7-1 Dec, Bucknell 3-0
174: Mickey O'Malley def. Sam Barnes, Fall 3:46, Drexel 6-3
184: Bryan McLaughlin def. Logan Deacetis, 7-4 Dec, Drexel 9-3
197: Mason McCready def. Santino Morina, 8-0 Major Dec, Drexel 9-7
285: Luke Niemeyer def. Eli Anthony, 3-1 Dec, Bucknell 10-9
125: Brandon Seidman def. Kyle Waterman, 6-2 Dec, Bucknell 13-9
133: Kurt Phipps def. Deon Pleasant, 12-4 Major Dec, Bucknell 17-9
141: Darren Miller def. Jared Donahue, 10-2 Major Dec, Bucknell 21-9
149: Tyler Williams def. Kolby DePron, 15-5 Major Dec, Bucknell 21-13
157: Nick Delp def. Parker Kropman, SV 13-11, Bucknell 23-13
The Drexel Dragons were up against a very tough Bucknell team, who wrestles well in all positions. This looked to be a toss-up on paper, and it nearly played out that way. Drexel lost their heavyweight bout with a last-second takedown, and an overtime match at 157lbs. If these go the other way, this is a very tight match that was expected. Still missing three starters from the lineup, Drexel is looking to get full strength soon and show the rest of the conference what they can.
Franklin & Marshall
The Diplomats were on the road to compete in extra matches, along with American University and Army. The event was held at Army.
Freshman, Gio Diaz (125) went 2-0 against Chauvin of Army on the day with a fall, then 4-2 decision.
Christiaan Dailey (149) was the second undefeated wrestler. He had a tech fall and a decision.
With two falls at 165lb, Crew Fullerton looked to be the most dominant wrestler from the Diplomats.
James Conway (184) earned a major then a solid 5-3 win over Shannon of American.
Lastly, at 285lb, Cenzo Pelusi was 2-0 with two wins over Righter of American and Phillips over Army.
Gio Diaz – 125 lbs.
Won vs. Ryan Chauvin (Army); Fall: 5:41
Won vs. Ryan Chauvin (Army); 4-2
Pat Phillips – 133 lbs.
Won vs. Shamil Kalmatov (American); 10-0
Lost vs. Jack Maida (American); 5-0
Jack Bruce – 133 lbs.
Won vs. Shamil Kalmatov (American); 3-2
Lost vs. Andrew Fallon (American); Fall: 4:41
Wil Gil – 141 lbs.
Won vs. Julian Sanchez (Army); 7-6
Lost vs. Corey Shie (Army); 3-2
Cristiaan Dailey – 149 lbs.
Won vs. Michael Glynos (American); TF: 6:50 (17-2)
Won vs. Ryan Zimmerman (American); 5-0
Chris Hisey – 149 lbs.
Won vs. Michael Glynos (American); injury default
Lost vs. Ryan Zimmerman (American); 13-2
Chase McCollum – 157 lbs.
Won vs. Elijah White (American); 6-0
Lost vs. Antonio Segura (American); 4-1
Crew Fullerton – 165 lbs.
Won vs. Luc Maschino (American); Fall: 1:06
Won vs. Breon Phifer (American); Fall: 1:57
Noah Fox – 174 lbs.
Won vs. Benjamin Root (American); 8-3
Lost vs. Timothy Fitzpatrick (American); 10-2
John Crawford – 174 lbs.
Lost vs. Timothy Fitzpatrick (American); 3-1
Lost vs. Ben Pasiuk (Army); Fall: 6:59
James Conway – 184 lbs.
Won vs. Mervin Mancia (American); 16-3
Won vs. Colin Shannon (American); 5-3
Mike Waszen – 197 lbs.
Won vs. Connor Bourne (American); Fall: 5:55
Lost vs. Carsten Rawls (American); 7-1
Cenzo Pelusi – 285 lbs.
Won vs. Isaac Righter (American); 2-1
Won vs. Brandon Phillips (Army); 3-2 (TB-1)
Nearly all of the Diplomats earned at least one win on the weekend, which is a good sign. This team was laid off for a few weeks due to COVID, then had one of their two matches canceled last weekend. Mat time is a big plus for them, and winning matches will go even further with the team's confidence. Remember, this team was not allowed to compete last season as well. It appears they are starting to dust off the cobwebs, as there seems to be improvement every week.
The Crimson made the trip to Ithaca to wrestle Cornell. They came away with two individual wins.
Kenny Herrmann (141) had a six-point victory over Moomey.
At 184lb, Luke Rada also earned a win.
Boxscore: No. 10 Cornell 35, Harvard 6
125: Greg Diakomihalis (C) def. Beau Bayless (H), Dec. 9-2 (Cornell 3-0)
133: No. 30 Dom LaJoie (C) def. Dillon Murphy (H), MD 13-5 (Cornell 7-0)
141: Kenny Herrmann (H) def. Phillip Moomey (C), Dec. 7-1 (Cornell 7-3)
149: No. 1 Yianni Diakomihalis (C) def. Lukus Stricker (H), Fall 1:59 (Cornell 13-3)
157: Hunter Richard (C) def. Trevor Tarsi (H), Dec. 6-4 SV1 (Cornell 16-3)
165: No. 9 Julian Ramirez (C) def. Alex Whitworth (H), TF 16-1 3:45 (Cornell 21-3)
174: No. 14 Chris Foca (C) def. No. 29 Joshua Kim (H), Dec. 8-2 (Cornell 24-3)
184: Luke Rada (H) def. Ethan Hatcher (C), Dec. 5-3 (Cornell 24-6)
197: No. 18 Jacob Cardenas (C) def. Nick Marcenelle (H), TF 16-0 3:23 (Cornell 29-6)
285: No. 18 Lewis Fernandes (C) wins via forfeit (Cornell 35-6)
As previously mentioned, Conigliaro has been out with an injury. He missed a nice showdown with #9 Ramirez. Harvard's other ranked wrestler Josh Kim (#29 – 174), was outmatched by Foca (#14). Harvard has some young talent on the team; we are just waiting for it to develop further. Conigliaro is a real dark horse threat to All-American in Detroit. We have yet to see him wrestle since his runner-up performance at the Matmen Open before the new year.
The Pride had a dual meet scheduled with Binghamton that was canceled due to COVID. We expect them back next weekend, during the first weekend of February.
Lehigh (#21).
The Mountain Hawks tested themselves by traveling to Stillwater to wrestle #4 Oklahoma State.
Josh Humphreys (#8 – 157) got Lehigh on the board with a 4-point win over returning AA Sheets (#13).
At 165lb, Brian Meyer (#24) won by decision in the following match.
The final win for Lehigh was from Jordan Wood (#8 – 285) at heavyweight over #29 Surber.
Boxscore: No. 4 Oklahoma State 26, No. 15 Lehigh 9
125: Trevor Mastrogiovanni (OSU) dec. Jaret Lane (Lehigh) 5-1
133: Daton Fix (OSU) Fall Malyke Hines (Lehigh) 1:34
141: Carter Young (OSU) dec. Connor McGonagle (Lehigh) 5-4
149: Kaden Gfeller (OSU) dec. Paul Watkins (Lehigh) 5-1
157: Josh Humphreys (Lehigh) dec. Wyatt Sheets (OSU) 7-3
165: Brian Meyer (Lehigh) dec. Jalin Harper (OSU) 2-0
174: Dustin Plott (OSU) dec. Jake Logan (Lehigh) 5-3
184: Dakota Geer (OSU) major dec. AJ Burkhart (Lehigh) 23-10
197: AJ Ferrari (OSU) major dec. JT Davis (Lehigh) 12-2
285: Jordan Wood (Lehigh) dec. Luke Surber (OSU) 6-0
The Mountain Hawks performed well, in my opinion. They were outmatched by a very tough Cowboy squad, but a majority of matches lost were within striking distance. I would have loved to see Manzona Bryant take on Gfeller at 149lbs. Unfortunately, Bryant is still sidelined. Logan was right in the match with a top-8 guy at 174lb. This team is coming along, and expect them to be peaking in March, like usual. They will have to defend their EIWA title.
Long Island
The Sharks hosted the Bearcats from Binghamton in an all-EIWA matchup on Saturday. They won four of ten matches.
At 157lb, the Sharks took the lead thanks to a decision by Rhise Royster.
Robbie Sagaris (125lb) and Drew Witham (149) both earned wins in their matchups.
The solo bonus-point win for LIU was by Devin Matthews (141), winning by major decision.
Boxscore: Binghamton 28 – LIU 13
157: Rhise Royster (LIU) def. Tyler Martin (BING), dec. 4-2. LIU leads 3-0
165: Brevin Cassella (BING) def. Blake Bahna (LIU), fall 3:10. BU leads 6-3.
174: Jacob Nolan (BING) def. Ryan Ferro (LIU), dec. 8-2. BU leads 9-3.
184: Cory Day (BING) def. James Langan (LIU), fall 4:33. BU leads 15-3.
197: No. 13 Lou DePrez (BING) Nunzio Crowley (LIU), dec. 4-2. BU leads 18-3.
285: No. 20 Joe Doyle (BING) Tim Nagosky (LIU) fall, 1:06. BU leads 24-3.
125: Robbie Sagaris (LIU) def. Nick Curley (BING), dec. 5-4. BU leads 24-6.
133: No. 32 Anthony Sobotker (BING) Kaelen Francois (LIU), major dec. 9-1. BU leads 28-6.
141: Devin Matthews (LIU) Christian Gannone (BING) major dec. 11-3. BU leads 28-10
149: Drew Witham (LIU), def. Nick Lombard (BING), dec. 14-13. BU wins 28-13.
The Sharks won four matches, with their two winningest wrestlers falling short of victories. Ferro and Crowley both lost to quality opponents. Crowley's 4-2 loss over returning All-American DePrez is a good sign for him. Binghamton is a very solid EIWA team, so this performance by LIU is impressive. Sagaris has been on the losing end of quite a few matches; it was good to see him reverse that here. The most impressive win was by Witham at 149lb. Lombard is a very quality opponent, so this was a great win for Witham.
The Midshipmen were on the road to compete at Ohio and Cleveland State. They were victorious in both matchups.
Josh Koderhandt (#21 – 133) earned two victories, one via major decision.
At 157lb, Andrew Cerniglia (#20) earned a win over Slivka (#26) of Ohio. He also had a major.
Both David Key (#33 – 184) and Jacob Koser (#27 – 197) went undefeated.
At 285lb, Navy used two heavyweights. Both Ryan Catka and Grady Greiss won by decisions.
Boxscore: Navy 21, Ohio 14
125: Oscar Sanchez dec Jacob Allen (NAVY), 3-1 SV // Ohio 3, Navy 0
133: #21 Josh Koderhandt (NAVY) dec Gio DeSabato, 4-3 // Ohio 3, Navy 3
141: Mario Guillen dec Tyler Hunt (NAVY), 6-4 // Ohio 6, Navy 3
149: #31 Alec Hagan tech fall Jonathan Miranda (NAVY), 15-0 (3:59) // Ohio 11, Navy 3
157: #20 Andrew Cerniglia (NAVY) dec #26 Jordan Slivka, 5-4 // Ohio 11, Navy 6
165: Sammy Starr (NAVY) fall Sean O'Dwyer, 5:54 // Navy 12, Ohio 11
174: #24 Sal Perrine dec Cael Crebs (NAVY), 8-5 // Ohio 14, Navy 12
184: #33 David Key (NAVY) dec Zayne Lehman, 5-2 // Navy 15, Ohio 14
197: #27 Jacob Koser (NAVY) dec Carson Brewer, 7-0 // Navy 18, Ohio 14
285: Ryan Catka (NAVY) dec Jordan Greer, 5-3 // Navy 21, Ohio 14
Boxscore: Navy 20, Cleveland State 7
125: Jacob Allen (NAVY) dec Logan Heil, 3-1 // Navy 3, Cleveland State 0
133: #21 Josh Koderhandt (NAVY) major Jake Manley, 13-4 // Navy 7, Cleveland State 0
141: Tyler Hunt (NAVY) won by forfeit // Navy 13, Cleveland State 0
149: #32 Marcus Robinson major Jonathan Miranda (NAVY), 16-5 // Navy 13, Cleveland State 4
157: #20 Andrew Cerniglia (NAVY) major Daniel Patten, 11-1 // Navy 17, Cleveland State 4
165: #33 Riley Smucker dec Sammy Starr (NAVY), 9-6 // Navy 17, Cleveland State 7
174: Cael Crebs (NAVY) dec Anthony Rice, 3-2 // Navy 20, Cleveland State 7
184: #33 David Key (NAVY) tech fall Jax Leonard, 20-5 (7:00) // Navy 25, Cleveland State 7
197: #27 Jacob Koser (NAVY) major Benjamin Smith, 15-2 // Navy 29, Cleveland State 7
285: Grady Griess (NAVY) dec John Kelbly, 7-3 // Navy 32, Cleveland State 7
Navy had a successful business trip to Ohio. This was a nice chance to show off their skilled lineup to some non-EIWA schools, and they showcased it very well. With four ranked wrestlers, the team is very capable. With a handful of young talent starting to emerge, the Midshipmen are looking to jump levels in the EIWA very soon. Expect them to be in the hunt for a top-five conference finish this year, but it will not be long until you see them battling for the top three. Knowing Coach Kolat's goals for his team, they are coming for that top spot. I'm excited for this team.
The Quakers hosted the Ivy-League competitor Columbia to a home dual. This was the Quakers first home win since February of 2020.
Ryan Miller (#29 – 125) had the standout victory for the team with a win over Manchio (#18)
Michael Colaiocco (#19 – 133), CJ Composto (#19 – 141) and Doug Zapf (#22 – 157) all earned bonus-point victories.
Boxscore: (#23) Penn 32, Columbia 3
174: No. 25 Nick Incontrera (PEN) def. Nick Fine (COL) dec. 10-6
184: No. 32 Neil Antrassian (PEN) def. Jack McGill (COL) dec. 5-2
197: Cole Urbas (PEN) def. Sam Wustefeld (COL) def. 8-2
285: No. 33 Ben Goldin (PEN) def. Danny Conley (COL) dec. 6-0
125: No. 29 Ryan Miller (PEN) def. No. 18 Joe Manchio (COL) dec. 4-2
133: No. 19 Michael Colaiocco (PEN) def. Angelo Rini (COL) maj dec. 14-4
141: No. 19 CJ Composto (PEN) def. Mason Clarke (COL) TF 20-5
149: No. 24 Anthony Artalona (PEN) def. Dominic Rossetti (COL) dec. 5-2
157: No. 22 Doug Zapf (PEN) def. Andrew Garr (COL) TF 20-5
165: No. 21 Joshua Ogunsanya (COL) def. No. 25 Lucas Revano (PEN) dec. 3-2
Penn is a really good team. They were by far the better team on Sunday. They attacked from start to finish and were not afraid to keep putting up points, even when they were already in control of the match. These guys are so fun to watch, and they are only going to get better. Something special is happening with this team. They love to compete. It would be surprising to not see Penn in the top-three this year. I expect them to have at least seven qualifiers, and that may be too conservative of a number!
The Tigers hosted the Columbia Lions to a home dual and won six of ten matches.
At 125lb, Patrick Glory (#2) started off with a bang while tech falling Manchio (#18)
Danny Coles (141) did not get the victory, but a 1-0 loss to an 18th ranked Kazimir is a solid outing.
Blaine Bergey (165) had a nice 11-5 victory while filling into the lineup
Both Quincy Monday (#11 – 157) and Luke Stout (#17 – 197) earned pins
Travis Stefanik (#21 – 184) and Matt Cover (285) were the other wrestlers picking up wins
Boxscore: Princeton 27, Columbia 12
125: No. 2 Patrick Glory (PRI) def. No. 18 Joe Manchio (COL) TF 17-2
133: Angelo Rini (COL) def. Nick Kayal (PRI) dec. 13-7
141: No. 18 Matt Kazimir (COL) def. Danny Coles (PRI) dec. 1-0
149: Dominic Rossetti (COL) def. Marshall Keller (PRI) OT3 5-4
157: No. 11 Quincy Monday (PRI) def. Andrew Garr (COL) F (4:11)
165: Blaine Bergey (PRI) def. Connor Kievman (COL) dec. 11-5
174: Nick Fine (COL) def. Nate Dugan (PRI) dec. 6-0
184: No. 21 Travis Stefanik (PRI) def. Brian Bonino (COL) dec. 7-2
197: No. 17 Luke Stout (PRI) def. Sam Wustefeld (COL) F (5:45)
285: Matt Cover (PRI) def. Danny Conley (COL) maj dec. 8-0
Princeton has been hot lately! They upset #6 Arizona State last weekend, then came back a week later to dominate a tough Columbia team. After some injury and COVID-related adversity to start the second semester, this team has found their footing and picking up right where they need to be. Danny Coles is coming around to be a very tough 141lb wrestler, after only wrestling freestyle his entire life north of the border, eh. This team is determined to not only win the Ivy League title, but also the EIWA title. They have the potential.
Sacred Heart
The Pioneers competed at Bucknell on Saturday.
At 157lb, Nick Palumbo had a win over Delp, who has been very good lately.
Robert Hetherman (174) was the Pioneers last victory, winning by fall.
Boxscore: Bucknell 43 - Sacred Heart 9
157: Nick Palumbo (SHU) dec. over Nick Delp (BU) 4-2
165: #18 Zach Hartman (BU) inj. default over Scott Jarosz (SHU) 0:33
174: Robert Hetherman (SHU) fall over Sam Barnes (BU) 0:39
184: Logan Deacetis (BU) fall over Joe Accousti (SHU) 2:28
197: Mason McCready (BU) fall over Logan Michael (SHU) 2:48
285: Luke Niemeyer (BU) fall over Nick Copley (SHU) 1:49
125: Brandon Seidman (BU) maj. dec. over Jacob Venezia (SHU) 10-0
133: Kurt Phipps (BU) maj. dec. over Anthony Petrillo (SHU) 13-2
141: #21 Darren Miller (BU) tech fall over Jordan Carlucci (SHU) 17-2 (6:09)
149: Kolby DePron (BU) fall over Cole McGill (SHU) 1:57
Sacred Heart is still a building program. Bucknell has been one of the best teams in the conference this past month. The one positive sign out of the program is Palumbo coming back from injury and looking to repeat as EIWA finalist last season. With a deeper weight this year, he will have a nice challenge ahead of him. Sacred Heart will look to get back in the win column this weekend as they host F&M.
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