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    Askren "Putting the Chin in China" shirts go on sale

    Columbia, Mo. -- The now notorious "Putting the Chin in China" t-shirts adorned by Ben Askren fans at the Olympic Trials are available for sale through www.wrestling-central.com. T-shirts are $19.95 plus shipping and handling, with proceeds going toward Askren's journey to Beijing, China for his first Olympic gold medal.

    "I'm really thrilled by the response I've gotten about the shirts," Askren said. "We made the ‘Funky' t-shirts when I was college and those were a huge success. I knew I wanted to make another shirt as I began my training for the Olympics, and this just seemed like an appropriate theme."

    Askren supporters wore the black t-shirts that feature the 74 kg wrestler's recognizable profile throughout the Olympic Trials.

    "I just want to thank everyone for all of the support they've given me," Askren said. "It's a great feeling knowing that I have so many fans cheering me on as I train for my first Olympic appearance."

    Askren is one of six wrestlers that will represent Team USA in the Freestyle competition beginning Wednesday, Aug. 20, at the China Agriculture University Gymnasium. A two-time National Champion at Missouri, Askren is the first Tiger graduate to earn an Olympic berth in the sport of wrestling.

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