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  • Photo: Sam Janicki

    Photo: Sam Janicki

    2025 Southern Scuffle Final Results

    Southern Scuffle Final Results

    Team Standings

    1. Army West Point  132.5 

    2. Oklahoma  126.5

    2. Penn State 126.5

    4. North Carolina  91

    5. North Dakota State  90.5


    125 lbs

    Championship: Stevo Poulin (Northern Colorado) dec Spencer Moore (North Carolina)  5-0

    Third Place: Anthony Molton (Campbell) dec Antonio Lorenzo (Oklahoma)  4-2

    Fifth Place: Kurt McHenry (Penn State) MedFFT Keyveon Roller (Virginia)

    Seventh Place: Beric Jordan (Oklahoma) dec Jeff Jacome (Gardner-Webb)  11-7


    133 lbs

    Championship: Nasir Bailey (Little Rock) dec Dom Serrano (Northern Colorado)  4-1SV

    Third Place: Ethan Oakley (North Carolina) dec Kyle Burwick (North Dakota State)  4-1SV

    Fifth Place: Blake Boarman (Chattanooga) dec TK Davis (Gardner-Webb)  6-5

    Seventh Place: Cleveland Belton (Oklahoma) dec Bryce Luna (Chattanooga)  4-3


    141 lbs

    Championship: Dylan Cedeno (Virginia) dec Jayden Scott (North Carolina)  2-0

    Third Place: Richard Treanor (Army West Point) fall Shannon Hanna (Campbell)  2:43

    Fifth Place: Braden Basile (Army West Point) dec Kyren Butler (Virginia)  5-4

    Seventh Place: AJ Rallo (Bellarmine) MedFFT Tyson Sherlock (Davidson)


    149 lbs

    Championship: Jordan Williams (Little Rock) dec Connor Pierce (Penn State)  10-5

    Third Place: Willie McDougald (Oklahoma) dec Wynton Denkins (Campbell)  5-3TB

    Fifth Place: Kyle Schickel (Clarion) maj Tyler McKnight (Davidson)  16-5

    Seventh Place: Carson DesRosier (The Citadel) dec Benji Alanis (Northern Colorado)  7-4


    157 lbs 

    Championship: Blake Saito (Brown) dec Maxwell Petersen (North Dakota State)  6-3

    Third Place: Tyler Badgett (The Citadel) dec Brayden Roberts (Long Island)  4-1SV

    Fifth Place: Dakota Morris (Army West Point) tech Gabriel Schumm (North Dakota State)  15-0

    Seventh Place: Nick Sanko (Virginia) maj Hayden Watson (The Citadel)  11-2


    165 lbs

    Championship: Gunner Filipowicz (Army West Point) tech Aiden Wallace (Duke)  18-3

    Third Place: Tate Picklo (Oklahoma) maj Boeden Greenley (North Dakota State)  11-2

    Fifth Place: Thomas Snipes (The Citadel) maj Jackson Hurst (Chattanooga)  15-4

    Seventh Place: Dom Baker (Campbell) dec Mannix Morgan (Oklahoma)  18-12


    174 lbs

    Championship: Sergio Desiante (Chattanooga) dec Gaven Sax (Oklahoma)  3-2

    Third Place: Caleb Campos (American) InjDef John Worthing (Clarion)

    Fifth Place: Dalton Harkins (Army West Point) dec Lennox Wolak (Virginia Tech)  4-1SV

    Seventh Place: Devin Wasley (North Dakota State) dec Ty Finn (Virginia Tech)  2-1


    184 lbs

    Championship: Zack Ryder (Penn State) dec AJ Heeg (Northern Colorado)  6-1SV

    Third Place: DJ Parker (Oklahoma) dec Aiden Brenot (North Dakota State)  8-1

    Fifth Place: TJ Stewart (Virginia Tech) dec Marcus Murabito (North Carolina)  10-6

    Seventh Place: Sam Fisher (Virginia Tech) dec Jake Gilfoil (Army West Point)  4-2


    197 lbs

    Championship: Connor Mirasola (Penn State) dec Patrick Brophy (The Citadel)  7-3

    Third Place: Sonny Sasso (Virginia Tech) fall Wolfgang Frable (Army West Point)  2:56

    Fifth Place: Levi Hopkins (Campbell) maj Cade Lautt (North Carolina)  15-4

    Seventh Place: Bradley HIll (Oklahoma) dec Josh McCutchen (Gardner-Webb)  5-1


    285 lbs 

    Championship: Cole Mirasola (Penn State) maj Lucas Stoddard (Army West Point)  9-0

    Third Place: Brady Colbert (Army West Point) dec Hunter Catka (Virginia Tech)  4-1

    Fifth Place: Will Jarrell (American) MedFFT Xavier Doolin (Morgan State)

    Seventh Place: Connor Barket (Duke) maj Daulton Mayer (Bellarmine)  10-2

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