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  1. Amouzad beat the Japanese guy 4-0 . Of the 4 points 2 were scored on shot clocks and one was due to the Japanese competition fleeing the mat. Goes to show how negatively the Japanese guy was wrestling. As the Iranian commentators sometimes say - he did not come to wrestle, he came to lose with a low score.
  2. Firouzpour won his junior world titles at 86. I wonder if he is considering a move to the lower weight…
  3. Taha Akgul visiting Iran today
  4. If Khalili has been given the spot why should he want to sue anyone? Perhaps it will be for over burdening him with expectations….
  5. Interestingly Massoumi was told in the post medal ceremony interview that Gabel Stevenson may make a come back. He said it may be best if he remained retired having left on top as he may not get the results he wants having been away from the game for 4 years. At least Masoumi does not seem bothered but I wonder if he is right. Will Gable be at the same level having been away from the sport for a bit….
  6. There is/was a Georgian Sumo wrestler-Tochinoshin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tochinoshin_Tsuyoshi
  7. I agree that Mobin Azimi did not do so well at 86kg but I remember at the time they were mentioning it was such a difficult cut for him and basically he is just a bit too big to cut to 86 kg.i recall a number of coaches were advising him not to do it but i think he had to try due to it being an Olympic weight. 92 seems to be the ideal weight for him just now. I think there is going to be a match between him and Firouzpour in Zagreb in February which should be interesting.
  8. I think Mobin Azimi at 92 is also likely to be a threat domestically to both Yazdani and Firouzpour.. and for a change he is not from Mazandaran.
  9. Looks like Yasin Rezaee is going to be handful for Amouzad at 65 kg domestically anyway…
  10. DT does look more impressive compared to Yazdani and Sadulaev. Will be interesting to see him next to Ghassempour
  11. He had an interesting match with Ehsan Lashgari in his early days
  12. Impressive glass 5 % full approach
  13. In-Genius
  14. Yeah man- they all must be juiced up- no other way to dismantle US free style wrestlers like that . Of course its a different matter for the US greco team...
  15. definitely no asterisks for that bronze medal..
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