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Cody Pirtle in Amarillo

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Everything posted by Cody Pirtle in Amarillo

  1. Stephon Breedlove was one of my first mentors out of law school. I wanted to help the disabled and those who were considered poor. I met him at Advocacy Inc. in Lubbock. He was a great inspiration. He did not let the difficulties of not being able to see distract him. He amazed me with his knowledge of the law; he had to know by reading braille (now considered outdated by technology). The technology we have today has gone leaps and bounds since 1996. He told me about swimming competitions where he had to be hit on the hit to know that he was about to hit the wall. He was very competitive. He loved his wife who was blind also. And she was beautiful. One year, he wanted a good Christmas tree and asked me to help him pick it out so the salesman did not cheat him on an ugly tree. I asked why he wanted to put lights on a tree and decorate a tree. He wanted to repeat decorating a tree like what he had his whole life from a loving family. And he said the lights on the tree make it smell like the pine tree it is. He was a remarkable person and wonderful person.
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