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About PTStipend

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State Qualifier

State Qualifier (6/14)

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  1. 1) New England Independent School Wrestling Association (NEISWA) or New England Preparatory School Wrestling Association (NEPSWA). Wording appears to be interchangeable from website. Qualifying event for National Preps. Open to non-NFHS teams. Scheduled for February 18th. 2) Council of New England Secondary Schools Principal Association (CNESSPA). Culminating event. Qualifiers are from the MPA, VPA, RIIL, NHIAA, MIAA, CIAC. Open to NFHS teams. Scheduled for March 3rd.
  2. Are there others Sent from my SM-A125U using Tapatalk
  3. Hall of Fame Duals Journeyman Showcase *research indicates these began this year The Clash *this has been around for several years Sent from my SM-A125U using Tapatalk
  4. . Sent from my SM-A125U using Tapatalk
  5. PTStipend


  6. Living with family right now
  7. That dude or that dude
  8. .
  9. . Sent from my SM-A125U using Tapatalk
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