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Everything posted by Sweeney197

  1. Good Afternoon, My Name is Zac Sweeney and I am currently the Head Coach at Sultana High School in Hesperia California. Im going into my 4rth year as the HC after 5 years as an assistant. I was Previously a Middle School HC and High School Assistant in Omaha NE. I will be going into my 14th year of coaching HS wrestling. I'm looking for a eager younger guy with the goal of being a High School Head Coach. I will STILL continue to coach wrestling once the time is right for someone else to take over. This blueprint is what the previous Head Coach (my head assistant coach) did before I took over and it has proven to be very successful. Sultana as a Program has won 11 CIF Championships and just won their first Girls CIF Championship (Girls and Boys are seperate programs with two different HC stipends, but we work very closely together). This last season we had 2 boy state qualifiers with one of those individuals a match away from placing. We currently have 50 returners in the program with a vibrant youth program that is completely ran by a club coach (50 kids in the program) who was a two time D2 All-American as well as a graduate of Sultana High School. If you are not a teacher or do not have a desire to become a teacher you will not be considered to take over as a HC. If you are interested please call or text me! 402-218-5495. You can email me as well Zachary.Sweeney@hesperiausd.org. Hesperia Unified Salary Schedule: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/586/HUSD/808170/2023-24_Teachers_Salary_Schedule_6.28.23.pdf
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