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  1. Hi guys, I'm a 29 old dude and a pretty late starter in wrestling, I've been only doing it for a few months. In my country it is a club based sport, it's not a school sport like in the US, and we can compete later throughout life cause it's not related to high school or college. Now, a friend of mine that's a really amazing wrestler, goes to the same club and he told me that even though I follow the procedure regarding shots (small step, level change, heel - toe - knee, fishtail and drive across), I still look stiff and lack explosiveness. He said I need to get more loose and I'm confused by what he means by it. I like to make better progress, and my knees don't hurt cause I do the necessary level change, but could it be that I'm too aware that my knee is gonna hit the mat, so I brace for impact? I'm asking all of you more experienced wrestlers, how to deal with this and maybe list a few exercises I can do to get more "loose". Or I should just spam like a 100 penetrations steps at the end of each practice and hope for the best? Thank you in advance!
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