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Posts posted by BerniePragle

  1. 7 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

    The above is how a jagoff apologizes.

    A guy who makes random comments about another man's wife then follows it up with this pathetic crap.


    Well, I see again I haven't missed a thing in being away for a few months.
    It takes a very small person to stoop to insinuating such a thing about someone's wife and then squeeze out a semi-apology followed by "but, but".
    Reminiscent of Jake Blues in the sewer with Carrie Fisher.  "It wasn't my fault!"

    On the subject of who's smarter, GWN or H_D, I've conversed with GWN outside this forum.  He's a VERY smart guy, and...well...
    I'd love to have both in a big, quiet room with an IQ test in front of them.
    Opening Line:  GWN -32.5

    • Haha 1
  2. 38 minutes ago, MPhillips said:

    You fu ckers are turning this into the Non Wrestling Topic board. FFS quit being cunty...

    Merry Christmas:classic_smile:

    I don't know if that was directed at me??

    Mine was meant to get a laugh.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Wild Bill trying to define "is".  Is weed legal in OH?  If not, maybe it ought to be.

    Merry Christmas to you too.

    • Fire 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Dark Energy said:

    The idea of ‘Us’ vs ‘Them’ has very deep roots in history and how our brain works.  Being racist is an easy and lazy way to get the dopamine fix. ‘I feel better and am happier by considering myself and those I associate with as better than those people.’

    Our society is making progress in fighting against racism and I hope that progress continues.  Continues to take focus.  This thread helps.

    I will caution about twitter comments though.  We have plenty of proof of ‘Bad actors’ … often backed by antagonistic countries … that are trying to sow division and unrest.  Don’t be a lemming.   

    Exactly.   Since skin color is one of the first and easiest things we notice about people, that's why racism happens, IMO.  Let's instead stick to the more evolved form... Screaming at the TV on Sunday afternoon based on the color of people's jerseys.   And, you're also exactly correct about your warning.   I call them sheep but lemming is better.

    “You can hate a man for many reasons. Color is not one of them.”

    — Pee Wee Reese

    • Fire 2
  4. 17 hours ago, MPhillips said:

    The, 'Non Wrestling Topics' forum is a cesspool...


    17 hours ago, PortaJohn said:

    Yeah, I made that participation mistake once already but not twice

    I would think a Portajohn could appreciate a cesspool. 
    Yeah, it is not a place for man nor beast.  On the plus side, it IS over there.  Otherwise it would be here.

    • Fire 2
  5. On 12/13/2023 at 8:49 PM, Wrestleknownothing said:

    The point is never trust the headline number, never believe the rumored number, and never trust someone else to do the math for you.

    You and I both know for the vast majority of people, this isn't possible. They just have to believe what someone else says.
    I also know that you know, as important as doing the Math is, knowing what numbers to work with is at least as important.
    Either of us could do the Math in 90+% of the other's field, but wouldn't know what assumptions/theory to use to get to the Math.
    I have to believe someone's numbers in Finance, you have to believe that plane really will fly.
    I always remember my second year of college I had a lab partner in an EE course that asked me "Which formula do I use for this problem?"  I looked at him and said "That IS the problem. Once you know that, a monkey could take it from there."  Now with the computers and software available, that's even more true than it was 50+years ago.

    • Fire 3
  6. On 12/12/2023 at 10:16 AM, nhs67 said:

    It is required reading that whenever Bono's name (Turdbiscuit be blessed) that someone of high moral fiber must remind folks that he is a Turdbiscuit.

    Bono is a Turdbiscuit.

    Is this reversible?  If I call Bono a Turdbiscuit, will I then become someone of high moral fiber?  I'd really like to have that going for me.

    • Haha 1
  7. 14 hours ago, SocraTease said:

    Simple solution:  bigger mats.   I don't know if there is any empirical information on average high school gym size, but certainly some (many) gyms can allow for an additional few feet of mat attached the already small mats.


    Quite a number of years ago there was a high school tournament in Watkins Glen, NY.  For the finals they brought out practice mats or mats from other schools and made what they called "the biggest mat in the East".  It was huge and great because there were very, very few OOBs.  One year the final at 215 was Isaiah Kacyvenski (later a linebacker at Seattle Seahawks) and some kid from Long Island that also had a D1 full ride in football.  That was about half wrestling match and half full speed tackling drill with almost no breaks.
    A buddy who still lives in the area said the tournament no longer exists because the Watkins Glen coach was tent camping at the top of the glen one night with some buddies and some adult beverages, got up in the middle of the night to... well you know... and was found the next morning at the bottom of the ravine.  Maybe not such a bad way to go, I don't know. 

  8. 4 hours ago, wrestle87 said:

    I'd agree with this if you are getting yourself into a school that is killer in rankings, and is going to get you an engineering-type degree, or if you know as an athlete you want to be a lawyer or an accountant. 

    Otherwise, the return on investment on a US college education is pretty trash right now.  I'm not saying it always has been, or it always will be that way, but colleges have become so egregiously profit-seeking, all but the very best have diluted their programs and the offerings into oblivion.  Grade inflation is also rapidly doing away with much of the value of a college transcript as well.  

    In a world where many of the highest paying jobs available don't even require college, and a growing number are that way, the sorts of personalities who are capable of getting themselves onto college sports teams are the ones who have the innate capabilities to get themselves into other good positions as well.  

    If you are an aggressive self-starter, responsible, and dedicated, all of which are must-haves to be a college athlete, you don't need college.  

    And the Ivy does give athletic scholarships, they just aren't allowed to call it that.  The shape it takes is being admitted to the University with much lower grade standards and a comped education.  Ivies all have enormous endowments, and they use them in this way to get around the scholarship situation.  

    Just out of curiosity I checked "Fields of Study " at my first alma mater (second doesn’t have wrestling).  You are right, there are many that would make Jeff Spicoli happy.  Of course there were some worthless majors when I went there 50 years ago, but not that many.  Sad.
    How much these types of degrees are worth out in the world, I don't know.  I have no idea what jobs they would even be applicable to, except teaching those things.  Supply and Demand says they aren't worth much.
    I always smile when I look at the wrestling rosters at some of the better schools and service academies and see majors like Engineering, Math, Finance, Pre-Med and Law.  The opportunities are there.

    • Fire 1
  9. Maybe I'm just naive, but lost in this so far is the value of a college education. You know, the old trading 4 (or so) years of wrestling for a 4 (or so) year degree.  I have no idea of the size of NIL money, donor dollars, etc but for many (most) actual students the future value of a college education is not negligible. 
    It would be interesting to see how much the landscape would change with an increase in the number of scholarships and with athletic scholarships at the Ivies.

    • Fire 3
  10. No room for a larger mat at Friedman Center @Cornell.  Not even enough room for the mat they have now.  Last year Braxton Amos tried to headlock Cardenas, missed and got me instead.  Lucky for me, I'd put a "liberal" amount of Brylcreem on to look cool at the match so I slipped right out.  Oh yeah, I was in the third row!


  11. On 12/5/2023 at 1:23 PM, Wrestleknownothing said:

    CKLV provided a lot of information for Intermat to update their rankings.

    Some moved up, some moved down, and some even had the spelling of their name changed (fair thee well, Ryan Crooham. We hardly knew ye.)

    Stats with a side of laughs.  As always, good stuff, WKN.

    • Fire 1
  12. 37 minutes ago, Hammerlock3 said:

    does he turn him with two legs in? I've wantched that match a dozen times and don't remember that part. Lewis and gibbons are friends fwiw

    Not really.   Gibbons was smart enough to avoid them for the most part.  But he did turn others with them both in.  Off the top of my head, Darryl Burley.  I only said that to point out that it is possible and Gibbons should know that.  I guess though it isn't for 99.99% of wrestlers, lol.

    • Fire 1
  13. 3 hours ago, 1032004 said:

    Love Gibbons’ call there.  “If you’ve got both legs in, you’re really not working for a turn.  Gotta pick a side.”

    He must have forgotten about wrestling Randy Lewis. 


  14. 37 minutes ago, MPhillips said:

    That's a pretty lame excuse.  I was still going strong at 10pm ET and I started drinking at 1pm ET. 

    10pm?  You're a wild man.   That's an hour past my bedtime. 

    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, ILLINIWrestlingBlog said:

    Second, the only person who should be pitching a diet plan on TV or the radio or the internet is Gavin Hoffman. Dude starts out at 197, but the next year he's at 184, a year later 285, then 197 for three years, then back down to 184. He even wrestled a bunch of matches at 285 one year that he started out wrestling a bunch of matches at 184. This was a quick go-over, but I got these for his records at the various weights:

    285 --  17-3

    197 --  40-30

    184 --  37-10

    He's obviously much better as a fatty. 

    PIAA AA state champ last 3 years of HS @195

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