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  1. The University of Rio Grande is searching to fill the following Graduate Assistant position immediately: The position includes two options: 1) Full Tuition, Housing and Meal Plan or 2) Full Tuition and $6,000 stipend. The graduate program: Master's of Education with ACL The Athletic Coaching Leadership (ACL) concentration is to provide well-qualified coaches for all levels of sports programs. The ACL strives to address the diverse needs of the coaching profession and respond to the changing needs of prospective and practicing coaches. The ACL will not be sport specific. It will continue to develop appropriate sport and situation-specific program content to ensure the enjoyment, safety and positive skills development of America’s coaches. The University of Rio Grande is located in southeast Ohio about 10 miles from the Ohio River and West Virginia border. Our student population is just over 2,000 and we have a student to professor ratio of 15:1. Rio offers a full range of majors to attract quality student athletes of all interests. This past season marked just the 4th year of wrestling in the history of Rio Grande. In that short time, the program has sent 4 individuals to the NAIA National Championship. It has also produced 3 NWCA Academic All Americans and 6 Daktronics NAIA Scholar Athletes. Rio Grande Wrestling has its own stand-alone wrestling facility that’s been recently renovated. It houses just under 4,000 sq. feet of mat space, a weight training area with free weights and plenty of strength and conditioning equipment. A full locker room with showers and laundry has been installed to make the RedStorm Wrestling Facility a one-stop shop for our student athletes. Please contact Head Coach Jason Schweer (jschweer@rio.edu) or Athletic Director Jeff Lanham (jlanham@rio.edu) for details.
  2. The University of Rio Grande is searching to fill the following position immediately: The University of Rio Grande is located in southeast Ohio about 10 miles from the Ohio River and West Virginia border. Our student population is just over 2,000 and we have a student to professor ratio of 15:1. Rio offers a full range of majors to attract quality student athletes of all interests. This past season marked just the 4th year of wrestling in the history of Rio Grande. In that short time, the program has sent 4 individuals to the NAIA National Championship. It has also produced 3 NWCA Academic All Americans and 6 Daktronics NAIA Scholar Athletes. Rio Grande Wrestling has its own stand-alone wrestling facility that’s been recently renovated. It houses just under 4,000 sq. feet of mat space, a weight training area with free weights and plenty of strength and conditioning equipment. Last summer a full locker room with showers and laundry was installed to make the RedStorm Wrestling Facility a one-stop shop for our student athletes. The graduate program: Master's of Education with ACL The Athletic Coaching Leadership (ACL) concentration is to provide well-qualified coaches for all levels of sports programs. The ACL strives to address the diverse needs of the coaching profession and respond to the changing needs of prospective and practicing coaches. The ACL will not be sport specific. It will continue to develop appropriate sport and situation-specific program content to ensure the enjoyment, safety and positive skills development of America’s coaches. The position includes two options: 1) Room, board and tuition or 2) Tuition and $6,000 stipend. Please contact Head Coach Jason Schweer (jschweer@rio.edu) or Athletic Director Jeff Lanham (jlanham@rio.edu) for details.
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