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Viewing Topic: What is the MFF rule again?
Viewing Topic: Shapiro looks concussed again....
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Viewing Topic: D-1 Week in Preview, November 18-24
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Viewing Topic: Is there a chance we could get more Olympic weights?
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Viewing Topic: Trump is now spouting patently crazy stuff.
Viewing Weekend Dual Results (12/8/2024) in category Articles: College
Viewing Topic: Brian Thompson CEO of United Health Care was murdered (shot several times) by a hit man this morning on the streets in New York.
Viewing Forum: College Wrestling
Viewing Topic: So much for Braeden "Next Kyle Dake" Davis....again.
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Viewing Topic: Minimum wrestling credentials to obtain respect on forums?
Viewing Topic: Proposed college wrestling rule changes
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Viewing Breanna Packheiser in College Commitments
Viewing 2024 Ironman Recruiting Recap in category Articles: Recruiting