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  • Photo: Tony Rotundo

    Photo: Tony Rotundo

    Jagger's Friday Mailbag - 5/19/2023

    Adam Coon at the 2023 US Open (photo courtesy of Tony Rotundo; WrestlersAreWarriors.com)

    Hey there, Jagamaniacs! Contrary to rampant rumors, I'm still here to give journalism a bad name for at least another week. This one's dedicated to my buddy Kenny Celenza, who scolded me last week at the Hall of Fame dinner for not doing anything last week. Speaking of the dinner, other than being able to reconnect with some old friends, someone made the statement that the 2012 team was better than our 1995 team. You know what we did? Challenged them right there where they stood. An epic battle ensued and in the end, we were right. We all spent a week in the hospital but a small price to pay for glory. The lesson here is that if someone disrespects you, always challenge them to a fight. Violence always wins. Ok, now to the mailbag where we break down the most important topics in the world of wrestling.

    Would you rather fight ten Willie-sized Adam Coons or one Adam Coon-sized Willie? Indiana Mat

    Give me one big Willie. I can always wear him down by running around, but ten little Adams might overwhelm me.

    Favorite movie? Love The Replacements because Shane Falco lived the boat life. Hijo de JL Vice

    I could try to be funny here and say my favorite movie is MacGruber, but it really might be my favorite movie. It's just so stupidly funny that I can't help but laugh. Perhaps the tv series was a bit of overkill but that's how things work these days. In the category of movies that don't have other uses for celery, I'd say anything from the Lord Of The Rings trilogy probably tops the list. I never really cared to pick a favorite film or song or band or anything like that because there's just so much to choose from, so I find it pointless. But the LOTR movies get it done. It's not even easy to pick one of the three because they're all on par with each other though The Two Towers really stands out.

    Lately, my skin has been dry and I've been constantly itchy. Do you have any advice to alleviate my dry skin? Baby Grajales

    Put on some damn lotion. Man, an offseason mailbag is tough sometimes.

    What sort of variations have you seen in your brand analytics since moving the Jaggerblasts from three times per day to sporadic and surprising? JP Pearson

    I've noticed the trend of everyone just kind of going on with their life like nothing ever happened. The truth is that the videos were really just a trial run and some practice for speaking on camera. I'm not saying I'm eager to jump into the podcast game or be on screen, but it is the way of the future and the opportunities have been there. I don't like being on camera, I hate my voice, and I have a face for radio as they say, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in it all. Will I ever do my own show? I doubt it. Would I jump on a show if they ask me? I'd at least think about it.

    In terms of style, would this shirt rank in the top eight of all shirts shared during Wrestling Shirt a Day in May? Kevin McGuigan

    Way up there in my book. It's got a good font and is not too flashy while being printed in the classic gray warmup color. I must have it. The blue Bakersfield shirt still leads the league but keep an eye on this up-and-comer from Philly, the Pennsylvania RTC.

    On a side note, I just want to thank everyone for sending their birthday wishes. When you get to a certain age you start wondering how many of these days you have left so you try to enjoy them even more and you've all helped make it more special. I'm truly blessed to have such great friends in all of you.

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