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  • Photo: Tony Rotundo

    Photo: Tony Rotundo

    FCW's Week 17 Fantasy Outlook (2/22-2/25)

    “And now, the end is here…

    And so I face that final curtain (unless it's a carryover league)...

    Regrets (on Add/Drops), I’ve had a few…

    But then again, too few to mention (because i read the FCW Weekly Outlook Articles)..,”

    - Frank Sinatra, singing about Fantasy Wrestling in 1969

    So we come to the final week of the regular season, which means the last hurrah for those in WrestleStat leagues.

    Hopefully you have followed along and you find yourself in the championship. Unfortunately for me, in one league I am fighting for third because my 197 lber (Rocky Elam) was pinned and lost by two points. But that’s Fantasy Wrestling.

    Hopefully you carryover your league into Conferences and (at least) Nationals to keep the fun going. But if not, I know WrestleStat has great postseason Tourney Pool contests and, from what I understand, a new NCAA Fantasy Draft game. Stay tuned.

    On to Week 17.

    Points are at a premium and we are basically in the last week of Conference play. There are three Tourney’s to be aware of that could possibly single-handedly win you the week: The F&M Scramble, Patriots Last Chance Open, and the Wildcat Open. All with plenty of D1 competition.

    As usual, entries are still coming in for each of these tournaments, so keep the notifications on for @FantasyD1Wrestl as updates will be posted to the InterMat Forum Fantasy Wrestling Board.

    A reminder of some important rules:

    • Wrestlers entered at a weight must compete at that weight or else their results will not be counted. Wrestlers in the “Floater” spots can compete at ANY weight and accumulate Fantasy points.
    • A wrestler will LOCK on your roster at 12pm ET on the day of their first competition for the week (refer to the SHP’s Week Preview).
    • Only results against D1 competition (starters, backups, and redshirts) will count towards Fantasy Points. 

    Check your league settings to know how many add/drops are permitted per week. 

    Wrestlers I Like This Week

    Wrestler (School)- competition for the week  [Proj Score]

    *organized by most potential points to least, then by school alphabetically”:


    Max Gallagher (PENN)- Vs Morgan State,  F&M Scramble, Patriots Last Chance Open

    Brayden Palmer (CHAT)- @ Indiana, @ Bellarmine  [+7]

    Jeremiah Reno (LR)- @ Lindenwood  [+5]

    Braeden Davis (PSU)- Vs Edinboro  [+5]

    Eli Griffin (CBU) @ Utah Valley  [+4]

    Anthony Molton (CAMP)- @ VMI  [+4]

    Brett Ungar (COR)- Vs Binghamton  [+4]

    Diego Sotelo (HARV)- @ Brown  [+4]

    Michael DeAugustino (MICH)- @ Central Michigan  [+4]

    Blake West (NIU)- Vs SIU-Edwardsville  [+3]

    Drew Heethuis (PRIN)- Vs Bucknell  [+4]

    Tanner Jordan (SDSU)- Vs North Dakota State  [+4]

    Spencer Moore (UNC)- Vs Duke  [+3]

    Eric Barnett (WISC)- @ Northern Iowa  [+3]



    Gable Strickland (LHU)-  Patriots Last Chance Open

    Julian Farber (UNI)- Vs Missouri, Vs Wisconsin   [+8]

    Blake Boarman (CHAT)- @ Indiana, @ Bellarmine  [+7]

    Nasir Bailey (LR)- @ Lindenwood  [+5]

    Dylan Ragusin (MICH)- @ Central Michigan  [+5]

    Aaron Nagao (PSU)- Vs Edinboro  [+5]

    Michael Colaiocco (PENN)- Vs Morgan State

    Ethan Oakley (APP)- Vs Gardner-Webb [+4]

    Domenic Zaccone (CAMP)- @ VMI  [+4]

    Vito Arujau (COR)- Vs Binghamton  [+4]

    Evan Frost (ISU)- Vs Missouri  [+4]

    Derrick Cardinal (SDSU)- Vs North Dakota State  [+4]

    Kurt Phipps (BUCK)- @ Princeton  [+3]

    Ryan Crookham (LEH)- @ Arizona State  [+3]

    Braxton Brown (MARY)- Vs Drexel  [+3]

    Jace Palmer (UNC)- Vs Duke  [+3]


    Cael Happel (UNI)- Vs Missouri, Vs Wisconsin  [+7]

    Cole Matthews (PITT)- Vs Rider, Vs Virginia  [+7]

    Beau Bartlett (PSU)- Vs Edinboro  [+5]

    CJ Composto (PENN)- Vs Morgan State [+4]

    Jack Crook (HARV)- @ Brown  [+4]

    Logan Brown (ARMY)- Vs American  [+3]

    Dylan Chappell (BUCK)- @ Princeton  [+3]

    Anthony Echemendia (ISU)- Vs Missouri  [+3]

    Kal Miller (MARY)- Vs Drexel  [+3]

    Sergio Lemley (MICH)- @ Central Michigan  [+3]

    Clay Carlson (SDSU)- Vs North Dakota State  [+3]

    Haiden Drury (UVU)- Vs California Baptist  [+3]


    Jude Swisher (PENN)- Vs Morgan State , F&M Scramble,  Patriots Last Chance Open

    Lucas Kapusta (LHU)-  Patriots Last Chance Open

    Kyle Dutton (LR)- @ Lindenwood  [+5]

    Tyler Kasak (PSU)- Vs Edinboro  [+5]

    Matthew Williams (ARMY)- Vs American  [+4]

    Austin Gomez (MICH)- @ Central Michigan  [+4]

    Jayden Scott (UNC)- Vs Duke  [+4]

    Cody Bond (APP)- Vs Gardner-Webb [+3]

    Ethan Fernandez (COR)- Vs Binghamton  [+3]

    Casey Swiderski (ISU)- Vs Missouri  [+3]

    Ethen Miller (MARY)- Vs Drexel  [+3]

    Eligh Rivera (PRIN)- Vs Bucknell  [+3]

    Joseph Zargo (WISC)- @ Northern Iowa  [+3]


    Nathan Lukez (ARMY)- Vs American , F&M Scramble

    Brayton Lee (IND)- Vs Chattanooga  ,  Patriots Last Chance Open 

    Issac Wilcox (OHST)- F&M Scramble , Patriots Last Chance Open

    Tanner Peake (DAV)- Vs Queens, Vs Presbyterian  [+11]

    Tommy Askey (APP)- Vs Gardner-Webb [+5]

    Meyer Shapiro (COR)- Vs Binghamton  [+5]

    Matt Bianchi (LR)- @ Lindenwood  [+5]

    Levi Haines (PSU)- Vs Edinboro  [+5]

    Chris Earnest (CAMP)- @ VMI  [+4]

    Sonny Santiago (UNC)- Vs Duke  [+4]

    Lucas Revano (PENN)- Vs Morgan State [+4]

    Cael Swensen (SDSU)- Vs North Dakota State  [+4]

    Michael North (MARY)- Vs Drexel  [+3]

    Peyten Kellar (OHIO) Vs Buffalo  [+3]


    Bryce Hepner (OHST)- F&M Scramble

    Bryce Sanderlin (DAV)- Vs Queens, Vs Presbyterian  [+8]

    Cody Walsh (DREX)- @ Maryland, Vs Hofstra  [+8]

    Holden Heller (PITT)- Vs Rider, Vs Virginia  [+6]

    Will Miller (APP)- Vs Gardner-Webb [+5

    Joseph Bianchi (LR)- @ Lindenwood  [+5]

    Mitchell Mesenbrink (PSU)- Vs Edinboro  [+5]

    Gunner Filipowicz (ARMY)- Vs American  [+4]

    Dominic Baker (CAMP)- @ VMI  [+4]

    Tyler Lillard (IND)- Vs Chattanooga  [+4]

    Cam Amine (MICH)- @ Central Michigan  [+4]

    Caleb Fish (MSU)- Vs Central Michigan  [+4]

    Dean Hamiti (WISC)- @ Northern Iowa  [+4]

    Noah Mulvaney (BUCK)- @ Princeton  [+3]

    Julian Ramirez (COR)- Vs Binghamton  [+3]

    Joshua Kim (HARV)- @ Brown  [+3]

    Antrell Taylor (NEB)- @ Arizona State  [+3]

    Garrett Thompson (OHIO) Vs Buffalo  [+3]



    Tyler Eischens (UNC)- Vs Duke ,  F&M Scramble

    Noah Fox (F&M)- F&M Scramble

    Tyler Brennan (LR)- @ Lindenwood  [+5]

    Carter Starocci (PSU)- Vs Edinboro  [+5]

    Lucas Uliano (APP)- Vs Gardner-Webb [+4]

    Ben Pasiuk (ARMY)- Vs American  [+4]

    Myles Takats (BUCK)- @ Princeton  [+4]

    Lennox Wolak (COL)- Vs American  [+4]

    Philip Conigliaro (HARV)- @ Brown  [+4]

    Shane Griffith (MICH)- @ Central Michigan  [+4]

    Nick Incontrera (PENN)- Vs Morgan State  [+4]

    Austin Murphy (CAMP)- @ VMI  [+3]

    DJ Washington (IND)- Vs Chattanooga  [+3]

    Bubba Wilson (NEB)- @ Arizona State  [+3]

    Cade DeVos (SDSU)- Vs North Dakota State  [+3]

    Mekhi Lewis (VT)- @ NC State  [+3]


    Gavin Kane (UNC)- Vs Duke, F&M Scramble, Wildcat Open

    Caleb Hopkins (CAMP)- @ VMI , Patriots Last Open

    James Conway (F&M)- F&M Scramble

    Parker Keckeisen (UNI)- Vs Missouri, Vs Wisconsin  [+8]

    Reece Heller (PITT)- Vs Rider, Vs Virginia  [+7]

    Roman Rogotzke (IND)- Vs Chattanooga  [+5]

    Triston Wills (LR)- @ Lindenwood  [+5]

    Aaron Ayzerov (COL)- Vs American  [+4]

    Leonardo Tarantino (HARV)- @ Brown  [+4]

    Jaden Bullock (MICH)- @ Central Michigan  [+4]

    Layne Malczewski (MSU)- Vs Central Michigan  [+4]

    Lenny Pinto (NEB)- @ Arizona State  [+4]

    Bernie Truax (PSU)- Vs Edinboro  [+4]

    Nate Dugan (PRIN)- Vs Bucknell  [+4]

    Bennett Berge (SDSU)- Vs North Dakota State  [+4]

    Chris Foca (COR)- Vs Binghamton  [+3]

    Dylan Fishback (NCST)- Vs Virginia Tech  [+3]

    Zayne Lehman (OHIO) Vs Buffalo  [+3]]

    Maximus Hale (PENN)- Vs Morgan State  [+3]


    Martin Cosgrove (PENN)- F&M Scramble

    Mac Stout (PITT)- Vs Rider, Vs Virginia  [+7]

    Levi Hopkins (CAMP)- @ VMI  [+5]

    Michael Beard (LEH)- @ Arizona State  [+5]

    Stephen Little (LR)- @ Lindenwood  [+5]

    Jaxon Smith (MARY)- Vs Drexel  [+5]

    Aaron Brooks (PSU)- Vs Edinboro  [+5]

    Tanner Sloan (SDSU)- Vs North Dakota State  [+5]

    Jack Wehmeyer (COL)- Vs American  [+4]

    Gabe Sollars (IND)- Vs Chattanooga  [+4]

    Silas Allred (NEB)- @ Arizona State  [+4]

    Max Shaw (UNC)- Vs Duke  [+4]

    Trent Hidlay (NCST)- Vs Virginia Tech  [+4]

    Cole Urbas (PENN)- Vs Morgan State  [+4]

    Evan Bockman (UVU)- Vs California Baptist  [+4]

    Kael Wisler (MSU)- Vs Central Michigan  [+3]

    Luke Stout (PRIN)- Vs Bucknell  [+3]



    Hogan Swenski (OHST)- F&M Scramble

    Josiah Hill (LR)- @ Lindenwood  [+5]

    Greg Kerkvliet (PSU)- Vs Edinboro  [+5]

    Jacob Sartorio (APP)- Vs Gardner-Webb [+4]

    Taye Ghadiali (CAMP)- @ VMI  [+4]

    Younger Bastida (ISU)- Vs Missouri  [+4]

    Seth Nevills (MARY)- Vs Drexel  [+4]

    Lucas Davison (MICH)- @ Central Michigan  [+4]

    Nathan Taylor (LEH)- @ Arizona State  [+4]

    Wolfgang Frable (ARMY)- Vs American  [+3]

    Josh Terrill (MSU)- Vs Central Michigan  [+3]

    John Stout (PENN)- Vs Morgan State  [+3]

    Chase Trussell (UVU)- Vs California Baptist  [+3]

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