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  • Photo: Tony Rotundo

    Photo: Tony Rotundo

    FCW's Week 14 Fantasy Outlook (1/31 - 2/2)

    We enter Week 14 as the penultimate regular season week before the playoffs. Now is the time to make your moves and work to secure your best spot at getting the Championship.

    Especially if you are in a carry-over league, start shedding that regular season star and work to solidify that NCAA lineup.

    Two tournaments were on the docket but now looks like the Mat Town Open II has been pushed back a couple weeks. That leaves the Edinboro Open as you go to longshot for pickups, if you need it.

    A reminder of some important rules:

    • Wrestlers entered at a weight must compete at that weight or else their results will not be counted. Wrestlers in the “Floater” spots can compete at ANY weight and accumulate Fantasy points.
    • A wrestler will LOCK on your roster at 11 am ET on the day of their first competition for the week. (refer to the SHP’s Week Preview)
    • Only results against D1 competition (starters, backups, and redshirts) will count towards Fantasy Points. 
    • Check your league settings to know how many add/drops are permitted per week. 


    Have a question, concern, suggestions, or just want to chat about Fantasy Wrestling? Hit us up on Twitter or head over to the InterMat Forums where we have a Fantasy Wrestling dedicated Forum page!

    Wrestlers I Like This Week

    Wrestler (School)- competition for the week [Proj Score]*


    Marc-Anthony McGowan (PRIN)- @ Drexel, Vs Brown, Vs Harvard [+11]

    Anthony Molton (CAMP) - Vs Davidson, @ Rider  [+9]

    Maximo Renteria (ORST) - Vs Stanford, Vs CSU Bakersfield  [+9]

    Brett Ungar (COR) - @ Binghamton, @ Columbia  [+6]

    Tanner Jordan (SDSU) - Vs Utah Valley, Vs Wyoming  [+6]

    Koda Holeman (CP) - Vs SIU-Edwardsville [+5]

    Blake West (NIU) - @ Cleveland State  [+5]

    Brendan McCrone (OHST) - @ Michigan  [+5]

    Matt Ramos (PUR) - @ Illinois  [+5]

    Nick Treaster (NAVY) - @ Bucknell  [+4]

    Troy Spratley (OKST) - Vs Missouri  [+4]


    Maximilian Leete (AMER) - Edinboro Open

    Blake Boarman (CHAT) - @ Presbyterian, @ The Citadel  [+9]

    Tyler Ferrera (COR) - @ Binghamton, @ Columbia  [+8]

    Mason Leiphart (F&M) - @ LIU, @ Hofstra  [+7]

    Raymond Lopez (AMER) - @ Lehigh  [+6]

    Ethan Berginc (ARMY) - @ Lehigh [+5]

    Sean Spidle (CMU) - @ Ohio  [+5]

    Nic Bouzakis (OHST) - @ Michigan  [+5]

    Tyler Knox (STAN) - @ Oregon State  [+5]

    Zeth Romney (CP) - Vs SIU-Edwardsville [+4]

    Lucas Byrd (ILL) - Vs Purdue  [+4]

    Julian Farber (UNI) - @ West Virginia  [+4]

    Scott Johnson (CLAR) - @ Michigan State  [+3]

    TK Davis (GWU) - Vs VMI  [+3]

    Angelo Rini (IND) - Vs Northwestern  [+3]

    Jacob Van Dee (NEB) - Vs Wisconsin  [+3]

    Connor McGonagle (VT)- Vs Virginia  [+3]


    Andre Gonzales (OHST) - Edinboro Open

    AJ Rallo (BELL) - Vs Appalachian State, Vs VMI  [+7]

    CJ Composto (PENN) - Vs Harvard, Vs Brown  [+7]

    Anthony Santaniello (PITT) - Vs Duke, @ Binghamton   [+7]

    Todd Carter (GWU) - Vs VMI  [+5]

    Joshua Koderhandt (NAVY) - @ Bucknell  [+4]

    Brock Hardy (NEB) - Vs Wisconsin  [+5]

    Jayden Scott (UNC) - Vs NC State  [+4]

    Andrew Alirez (UNCO) - @ Arizona State  [+4]

    Beau Bartlett (PSU) - Vs Iowa  [+4]

    Danny Pucino (ILL) - Vs Purdue  [+3]

    Jesse Mendez (OHST) - @ Michigan  [+3]

    Tagen Jamison (OKST) - Vs Missouri  [+3]

    Jason Miranda (STAN) - @ Oregon State  [+3]



    Ty Whalen (PRIN)- @ Drexel, Vs Brown, Vs Harvard [+10]

    Ethan Fernandez (COR) - @ Binghamton, @ Columbia  [+7]

    Malyke Hines (LEH) - Vs American, Vs Army  [+7]

    Cross Wasilewski (PENN) - Vs Harvard, Vs Brown  [+7]

    Finn Solomon (PITT) - Vs Duke, @ Binghamton   [+7]

    Kannon Webster (ILL) - Vs Purdue  [+5]

    Ridge Lovett (NEB) - Vs Wisconsin  [+5]

    Jesse Vasquez (ASU) - Vs Northern Colorado  [+4]

    Chance Lamer (CP) - Vs SIU-Edwardsville [+4]

    Sam Cartella (NW) - @ Indiana  [+4]

    Willie McDougald (OU) - Vs Missouri  [+3]

    Lachlan McNeil (UNC) - Vs NC State  [+3]

    Colin Realbuto (UNI) - @ West Virginia  [+3]

    Dylan D’Emilio (OHST) - @ Michigan  [+3]

    Carter Young (OKST) - Vs Missouri  [+3]



    Brandon Cannon (OHST) - Edinboro Open


    Meyer Shapiro (COR) - @ Binghamton, @ Columbia  [+10]

    Dylan Evans (PITT) - Vs Duke, @ Binghamton   [+7]

    Antrell Taylor (NEB) - Vs Wisconsin  [+5]

    Legend Lamer (CP) - Vs SIU-Edwardsville [+4]

    Tanner Peake (DAV) - @ Campbell  [+4]

    Brayden Roberts (LIU) - Vs Franklin & Marshall  [+4]

    Vince Zerban (UNCO) - @ Arizona State  [+4]

    Ryder Downey (UNI) - @ West Virginia  [+4]

    Trevor Chumbley(NW) - @ Indiana  [+4]

    Grigor Cholakyan (STAN) - @ Oregon State  [+4]

    Tommy Askey (MINN) - vs Rutgers  [+3]

    Ed Scott (NCST) - @ North Carolina  [+3]

    Caleb Fish (OKST) - Vs Missouri  [+3]

    Joey Blaze (PUR) - @ Illinois  [+3]

    Rafael Hipolito (VT)- Vs Virginia  [+3]


    Terrell Barraclough (UVU) - @ South Dakota State, @ North Dakota State  [+7]

    Julian Ramirez (COR) - @ Binghamton, @ Columbia  [+6]

    Nicco Ruiz (ASU) - Vs Northern Colorado  [+4]

    Gunner Filipowicz (ARMY) - @ Lehigh  [+4]

    Christopher Minto  (NEB) - Vs Wisconsin  [+4]

    Braeden Scoles (ILL) - Vs Purdue  [+3]

    Andrew Sparks (MINN) - vs Rutgers  [+3]

    Hunter Garvin (STAN) - @ Oregon State  [+3]

    Peyton Hall (WVU) - Vs UNI  [+3]


    Sergio Desiante (CHAT) - @ Presbyterian, @ The Citadel   [+8]

    Nick Incontrera (PENN) - Vs Harvard, Vs Brown  [+8]

    Cade DeVos (SDSU) - Vs Utah Valley, Vs Wyoming  [+7]

    Dean Hamiti (OKST) - Vs Missouri  [+5]

    Lennox Wolak (VT)- Vs Virginia  [+5]

    Derek Gilcher (IND) - Vs Northwestern  [+4]

    Lenny Pinto (NEB) - Vs Wisconsin  [+4]

    Carson Kharchla (OHST) - @ Michigan  [+4]

    Gaven Sax (OU) - Vs Missouri  [+4]

    Lorenzo Norman (STAN) - @ Oregon State  [+4]


    Kole Mulhauser (PRIN)- @ Drexel, Vs Brown, Vs Harvard [+10]

    Reece Heller (PITT) - Vs Duke, @ Binghamton   [+9]

    Kamdyn Munro (CHAT) - @ Presbyterian, @ The Citadel   [+7]

    Bennett Berge (SDSU) - Vs Utah Valley, Vs Wyoming  [+7]

    Chris Foca (COR) - @ Binghamton, @ Columbia  [+6]

    TJ Stewart (VT)- Vs Virginia  [+5]

    Edmond Ruth  (ILL) - Vs Purdue  [+4]

    Donnell Washington (IND) - Vs Northwestern  [+4]

    Max McEnelly (MINN) - vs Rutgers  [+4]

    Silas Allred (NEB) - Vs Wisconsin  [+4]

    Dustin Plott (OKST) - Vs Missouri  [+4]


    Michael Beard (LEH) - Vs American, Vs Army  [+10]

    Mac Stout (PITT) - Vs Duke, @ Binghamton   [+10]

    Levi Hopkins (CAMP) - Vs Davidson, @ Rider  [+8]

    Joey Novak (WYO) - @ North Dakota State, @ South Dakota State  [+8]

    AJ Ferrari (CSUB)- @ Oregon State  [+5]

    Camden McDaniel (NEB) - Vs Wisconsin  [+5]

    Parker Keckeisen (UNI) - @ West Virginia  [+5]

    Luke Surber (OKST) - Vs Missouri  [+5]

    Nick Stemmet (STAN) - @ Oregon State  [+5]

    Patrick Brophy (CIT) - Vs Chattanooga  [+4]

    Zach Braunagel (ILL) - Vs Purdue  [+4]

    Jacob Cardenas (MICH) - Vs Ohio State  [+4]

    Remy Cotton (MSU) - Vs Clarion  [+3]

    Wyatt Voelker (UNI) - @ West Virginia  [+3]


    Owen Trephan (LEH) - Vs American, Vs Army  [+7]

    Cohlton Schultz (ASU) - Vs Northern Colorado  [+5]

    Trevor Tinker (CP) - Vs SIU-Edwardsville [+5]

    Jacob Bullock (IND) - Vs Northwestern  [+5]

    Wyatt Hendrickson (OKST) - Vs Missouri  [+5]

    Gable Steveson (MINN) - vs Rutgers  [+4]

    Issac Trumble (NCST) - @ North Carolina  [+5]

    Jim Mullen (VT)- Vs Virginia  [+5]

    Daniel Bucknavich (CSU) - Vs Northern Illinois  [+4]

    Jacob Blackman (GMU) - @ Rider  [+4]

    Luke Luffman (ILL) - Vs Purdue  [+4]

    Harley Andrews (NEB) - Vs Wisconsin  [+4]

    Greg Kerkvliet (PSU) - Vs Iowa  [+4]

    Lance Runyon (UNI) - @ West Virginia  [+3]

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