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  • Photo: Tony Rotundo

    Photo: Tony Rotundo

    2024-25 Week Six Fantasy Leaders

    Week 6 was a jackpot for some, while others had to go home and explain where the mortgage payment went. Vegas has a way of doing that to some.

    For these standings, we will be using the Basic Fantasy Scoring through @WrestleStat (Win by Dec +3, Loss by Dec -3, Win by Pin +6, Loss by Pin -6, etc). Only results against D1 competition (starters, backups, and redshirts) will count towards Fantasy Points. Standings are first ordered based on total Fpts, then if tied by Points Per Match (PPM). 

    Week 6 Notes:

    Wyatt Hendrickson (OKST)  entered his first tournament and finished almost perfect (damn you Daniell Herrera of ISU for keeping him to only a tech!). 29 Fpts in 5 matches makes him the #1 wrestler of Week 6 and all the way to #10 in the Overall Standings

    Even though Evan Maag (GMU) lost to Julian Ramirez in the Patriot Open, because Ramirez technically isn't rostered until second semester, the loss does not count. Maag takes the #2 spot of Weeks 6, beating out 174 teammate Logan Messer by one Fpt. 

    An impressive run through 197 helps Cardenas gain 25 Fpts and break into the Overall Top-33, along with other notable runs by 133 Nic Bouzakis, 157 Antrell Taylor, and 149 Caleb Henson.

    In the overall standings, the highest non-starter is Minnesota’s 197 Gavin Nelson at #16, with 184 Rocco Welsh (OHST)  being the lone Redshirt and squeaking in at @32 thanks to a 21 FPt weekend in Cleveland.

    The Medical Forfeit from Vincent Robinson doesn't negatively impact, who only drops a spot to be tied to third.  With him dropping down, Brendan McCrone jumps up to tied for third with him after being tied at #30 only a week prior.

    And what’s a standings article without mentioning the new overall #1 after an impressive and dominant run in Vegas

    Week 6 Leaders

    FCW25- Wk 6 Standings.png


    Year-Long Fantasy Point Standings

    FCW25 Wk 6 Overall 33.png

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