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    West Virginia to hold benefit clinic

    MORGANTOWN, W.Va. -- The West Virginia University wrestling team will conduct a free clinic for coaches and wrestlers, with donations encouraged, on Nov. 1, to benefit WVU Department of Intercollegiate Athletics employee Cindy Smith, and her husband, Sam, who suffered two strokes in August 2009. The clinic, which will run from noon until 4 p.m., will be held in the WVU wrestling room.

    The clinic will feature six instructors, including world-renowned Cary Kolat, who was a four-time NCAA All-American, two-time NCAA champion and a three-time World Cup medalist. WVU assistant coaches Greg Jones, a three-time NCAA champion, and Danny Felix, a member of the 2009 U.S. World Team and a three-time Pac-10 champion, also will be at the clinic. The other three instructors are: Jim Akerly (All-American in 1987), Drew Headlee (All-American in 2005) and Mark McKnight (All-American in 2008).

    "She and her family are going through a very challenging time and it's something that immediately came to us," Turnbull adds. "We wanted to try and help in some way because she's been a long-time employee and a long-time supporter. She has done wonderful work with the wrestling program. When someone else needed help, she would be first in line. The wrestling team would like to provide some support for her and her family while they go through this difficult time."

    Pre-registration is strongly encouraged, but all walk-ups are welcome to participate.

    In order to help the Smiths, 100 percent of all donations received will go directly to the family to help manage medical costs and the loss of income.

    "Her original employment at the university began with the wrestling program," coach Craig Turnbull says. "The wrestling program has been associated with Cindy and her work for quite a period of time. She's done almost every aspect of work-related activity on the administrative side for the wrestling program and she's done it very well. Cindy is one of those people who is always willing to help, always extends herself and is very pleasant and enjoyable to work with."

    For more information regarding the wrestling clinic, please visit MSNsportsNET.com and click wrestling, or contact assistant coach Greg Jones at (304) 293-9872 or Greg.Jones@mail.wvu.edu.

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