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    This week on Takedown Radio: Burnett, Sanchez, Ryan, Finn, Kosek, Adams, Konrad

    Naval Academy Head Coach Bruce Burnett starts us off this week as we said the waters of wrestling. he has a new assistant coach in Brian Antonelli. His thoughts on the season and more.

    This weeks Themat.com and TDR's Athlete of the week is Ivan Sanchez who will join us right after weigh ins at his Saturday Morning competition. This feature is brought to you by: Asics

    Tom Ryan, Head Coach of The Ohio State will join us to discuss the settling of the dust at the home of the Buckeyes. Coaching staff is out beating the bushes for recruits around the country. How will it all fit together and what are his early expectations?

    Mike Finn, W.I.N. Magazine writer and editor will join us for his perspective on the season to come. If you haven't read Mikes work please do so as he is tremendous.

    Koy Kosek, Former University Wisc. 96-99 Heavy Weight wrestler turned writer looks to make a success of his new venture called The Wisconsin Wrestling Preview. This is designed to be a comprehensive preview of every HS and collegiate wrestler in the state of Wisc. WIWrestling.com

    Boston University's Head Coach Carl Adams will join us for a preview of the east coast and maybe even a look back at his collegiate days. Carl is perhaps one of the kindest men I know and is certainly a beacon that shines its light throughout wrestling.

    Cole Konrad, Minnesota's NCAA champion and all around good guy. What's his take on the year and on the season to come? Who's going to be working this horse to prepare for a repeat? Tune in and find out.

    Thanks for listening Saturdays at 9:00 to 11:00 AM Central time. Guest suggestions are welcome. Let me hear from you.

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