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    Takedown Radio moves to its new time 9 AM CST this Saturday

    It's state championship time in many states across this great country. It's also a breath away from the NCAA Championships in Oklahoma City. I have to tell you it doesn't get a whole lot better than this.

    Saturday's show is a little different as we start with Steve Foster and Tony Wenck in the studio with a bunch of in studio special guests.

    Some former wrestlers turned MMA fighters are scheduled to stop by. They know what this time of the year means. 9:05 AM Assist. Dana College Coach Rich Fergola will give us a Viking Update.

    We'll also take a look at the current collegiate standings as we rush to March.

    10:05 AM -- A legend in the state of Iowa at the top of hour #2. Bud Legg Information Director of the IHSAA will join us.

    I know you are excited to see how this season turns out as much as I am. There are 3 or 4 legitimate contenders or pretenders to the crown. Will it be a crown of gold or one made of thorns. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

    Tune in this Saturday at our new time 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

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