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    RPW: Brands & Gable featured clinicians Nov. 4 in Mt. Vernon

    Head Coach Tom Brands and Assistant Coach Dan Gable are the featured clinicians for the Mt. Vernon, Northern Region Qualifier for Real Pro Wrestling set for Saturday, November 4th. Fans of great wrestling can expect to see what is shaping up to be the toughest of the four qualifiers. Top-level wrestlers from across the country will be in Iowa to battle for the Regional Champion crown and a spot to wrestle in the Super Qualifier to become a member of one of the pro teams.

    The cost to attend the Regional Qualifier is only $5 per individual, $20 per family, and $30 per team. Wrestling fans can watch all of the great action of the tournament and be a part of RPW's Fan Fest. Fan Fest participants participate in the clinic with the new Iowa coaching staff that includes two wrestling legends, Olympic Champions Dan Gable and Tom Brands. Also on-hand for the RPW Fan Fest clinic will be former Iowa standouts Wes Hand and Doug Schwab. Coaches are encouraged to bring their teams and wrestling shoes to come experience a great day of wrestling with a low-cost clinic!

    The Iowa qualifier is sure to have hard hitting action with wrestlers like Luke Eustice, Nate Gallick, Dylan Long, Mark Rial, Ryan Churrella, Kyle Ceminara, Greg Wagner, and Mike Faust already slated to compete. America's best wrestlers are training hard to be a part of Real Pro Wrestling's Season 2!

    9:00 a.m. RPW Rules Clinic
    10:00 a.m. Quarter-Final Round
    11:30 a.m. Semi-Final Round
    2:30 p.m. Fan Fest and Clinic--includes admission to finals, giveaways including posters, trading cards, and DVDs
    5:00 p.m. Championship Finals ($5/person)
    6:30 p.m. Awards Ceremony
    8:00 p.m. After Party (check website for location)

    * All times subject to change. Check RPW website for updates

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