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    NWCA Coaching Leadership Academy class announced

    The NWCA is excited to announce that 45 coaches representing all collegiate divisions have been selected to receive full scholarships to participate in the Fourth Annual NWCA Coaching Leadership Academy in Fort Lauderdale, FL on Aug. 1 and 2, 2012.

    "With the success of the past three Academies, we are looking forward to mentoring another group of outstanding head and assistant coaches," said NWCA President Brian Smith. "This is the second largest group of coaches that we have accepted to the Academy, last year there were 60 coaches enrolled, this continues to show the need for this type of leadership program."

    The purpose of this Academy is to utilize peer group discussion among college coaches, athletic administrators, and CEOs to develop "best practices" for protecting and strengthening intercollegiate wrestling programs through this challenging economy. Further, the NWCA wants to help coaches better align their programs with educational values.

    Nationally renowned coaching development expert, Dr. Dan Gould from Michigan State University along with his staff, will be facilitating these discussions.

    The NWCA is able to cover the airfare, lodging, meals and convention registration fees for all participants due to the generosity of several wrestling benefactors.

    The 2012 coaches that have been accepted to this year's Academy are: Dustin Baynes -- Waldorf, Kriss Bellanca -- Kutztown, Ryan Birt -- Loras, Chris Bono -- South Dakota State, Casey Bradley -- William Penn, Kevin Bratland -- North Central, Jeff Breese -- Northern Illinois, Craig Brester -- Univ. of Nebraska, Brian Burzynski -- Muhlenberg, Ricky Deubel -- Buffalo, Jon Egan -- Roger Williams, Tom Erikson, Matthew Fisk -- Appalachian State, Chris Fleeger -- Purdue, Joel Greenlee -- Ohio University, John Hangey -- Rider, Othello Johnson -- UNC-Pembroke, Corey King -- York College, Andy Lausier -- Sacred Heart, Ryan Ludwig -- Northern Illinois, Joseph Martinez -- Menlo, Jason Mester -- Central Michigan, Joseph Miller -- West Chester, Mitchell Monteiro -- Cal Poly, Nate Moorman -- King College, Troy Nickerson -- Iowa State, Keith Norris -- Johns Hopkins, J.P. O'Connor - Harvard, Tommy Owen -- George Mason, Chris Pendleton -- Wyoming, Joe Privitere -- Briar Cliff, Joe Russell -- George Mason, Doug Schwab -- Northern Iowa, Zack Sheaffer -- Drexel, Joey Simcoe -- Tiffin, Mitch Smith- Alderson-Broaddus, Jeremy Spates -- Cornell, Tyson Springer -- Dickinson State, Brian Stith -- Arizona State, John Stutzman -- Bloomsburg, Jeremiah Tobias -- Alma, Corey VanGroll -- Concordia (Wisc), Biff Walizer -- Millersville, Alex Whitney -- Norwich, and Rob Yahrmarkt -- Ohio Northern.

    Mentors for the 2012 Leadership Academy are as follows: Ron Beaschler, Mark Cody, Dave Kemmy, Carl Poff, Bill Racich, Archie Randall, Pat Santoro, Brian Smith, Jack Spates, Greg Strobel, and Lenny Zalesky.

    The following 2011 Leadership Academy Coaches have completed the course and will be recognized for their achievement on Aug. 4: Steve Anceravage, Chris Ayres, Joe Baranik, Duane Bastress, Marc Bauer, Frank Beasley, Todd Beckerman, Joe Boardwine, Jasen Borschoff, Jason Brew, Mike Catullo, Mike Childs, John Clark, Cisco Cole, Ryan Cooley, Ollie Cooperwood, Brian Davis, Mike DeRoehn, Jake Dieffenbach, Pete DiPol, Mike Dixon, Alex Dolly, Rob Eiter, Matt Eldredge, Justin Ensign, Mike Ester, Carl Fronhofer, Joe Galante, Sean Gray, Damion Hahn, Matt Hill, Kevin Hoogenboom, Greg Jones, Matthew Lackey, Glen Lanham, Jordan Leen, Matt Lowers, Stephen Makein, Rocco Mansueto, Jacob Marrs, Mark Matzek, Mason Mester, Cliff Moore, Travis Pascoe, Jason Peters, Mike Rogers, Corey Ruff, Charles Seibert, Bryan Snyder, Christopher Stratton, Richard Tado, Chas Thompson, James Torres, Jason Valek, Severin Walsh, Yero Washington, and Dan Wirnsberger.

    "We have been extremely fortunate that a select group of incredibly generous donors has made this educational program possible for the past four years. This program is vital to the future success of these coaches, their programs and the sport of college wrestling as a whole," said Mike Moyer Executive Director of the NWCA.

    "Our staff looks forward to working with this new group of coaches, along with the help of Dan Gould and his staff this will undoubtedly be a fantastic experience for each person in attendance."

    On behalf the NWCA Board of Directors, we would like to encourage all college coaches (head and assistants) to attend the 2012 NWCA Convention scheduled for August 2-5. Wrestling's challenges must be solved by wrestling people and this is the best environment that can be provided for coaches to be able to focus on the tough issues that are facing our sport, while networking with other coaches and administrators.

    The National Wrestling Coaches Association, established in 1928, is a non-profit organization for the advancement of all levels of the sport of wrestling with primary emphasis on developing coaches who work in academic environments. The membership embraces all people interested in amateur wrestling.

    The three core competencies of the NWCA are Coaching Development, student-athlete welfare, and promotion of wrestling.

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