Kindig, a two-time Junior Nationals runner-up in freestyle, Cadet Nationals champion in freestyle, and Pennsylvania state champion, projects collegiately at 141 pounds. Kindig spoke to InterMat on Sunday about his decision.

Kindig: Thanks. I appreciate it. In the beginning of this whole process, there were so many schools contacting me. It was really an experience. I guess the first thing I had to do was narrow down the pros and cons to get to the top four schools on my list. The coaches came to into the house and were talking. Some actually had workouts at the schools with clinics. I got to see what style I really liked and what I didn't really like. It came down to Ohio State, Oklahoma State, and Missouri in the end. I have always been really good friends with Jordan Oliver. I was at Oklahoma State once before ... and then I went to Ohio State for a training camp before my visit. It was pretty much between those two schools. I always had Missouri there too. But in the end, after my visits, it was probably the toughest decision of my life. It was really difficult. It really doesn't have to do with the cons ... because every school has really good things about them. Both those schools are really excellent schools. I guess I just felt a little more comfortable with Oklahoma State and that's what I decided to go with.
You're a Pennsylvania native, but one school you didn't mention is Penn State. Did you consider Penn State at all?
Kindig: Yeah. In the beginning I considered Penn State. But after the first month, I kind of lost contact with them. That's probably because they have the Altons and they have their weight classes set. So they wouldn't really need me. That's what happened there.
You have obviously had success in the international styles of freestyle and Greco-Roman. Oklahoma State coach John Smith is considered to be the greatest American freestyle wrestler ever. Eric Guerrero, an assistant coach at Oklahoma State, was an Olympian in freestyle. Oklahoma State has produced many wrestlers who have had success in freestyle. How much did that factor into your decision to go to Oklahoma State?
Kindig: That was a huge thing. In addition to the academics and NCAA wrestling part of it, the next biggest thing was the freestyle because that is my favorite style and I will do that in the spring and summer. That was really a huge part of it. I know freestyle is big to John Smith, Eric Guerrero, and all the other coaches. I really look forward to that too because I know that they have that there for me.
Pennsylvania's senior class is considered to be one of the best senior classes ever from any state. Four of the nation's top six recruits are from Pennsylvania. What does that mean to you to be a part of such a strong senior class in Pennsylvania?
Kindig: It's really awesome. I'm really excited for the duals at the end of the year when it's Pennsylvania vs. USA. I think we're going to do really well. This is definitely our strongest season ever ... with our class. It's a great thing to be a part of. All of us are friends. Even though we have wrestled on the mat ... off the mat, we're all friends. We talk and get along.
Does it bother at all you at all that you are not getting as much national exposure as some of the other Pennsylvania wrestlers, like the Alton twins or Marshall Peppelman?
Kindig: No. To be honest with you, with where I am right now, aside from my partner Tyler Rauenzahn, who took second in state, I don't have somebody to push me to the limits. I don't have a twin brother to work out with all the time. Like Marshall Peppelman has Kenny Courts. I don't really have that environment. I just have to pretty much do it on my own ... and go around and train at different places in the summer to get better. I'm not even close to where I should be. Once I get to college, when I start training with Jordan and Guerrero, I'm really going to reach that level. It doesn't really bother me that much because I know I have a lot more to show once I get to college.
Looking ahead to the future, have you mapped out your wrestling goals?
Kindig: Yeah. It excites me to get to college and wrestle at that level. I love wrestling in open tournaments, like FILAs and Vegas. After college, I'm looking to most likely stay at Oklahoma State and train, like Coleman Scott is right now for the Worlds and Olympics, and accomplish my wrestling goals. And then hopefully become a college coach someday.

Kindig: There is a ninety five percent chance I'll redshirt my first year. That's what the coaches have me doing.
You were one of the most sought after recruits in the country. How much of a relief is it to be make a decision and put your decision behind you?
Kindig: Yeah. I don't even know how to describe it. It was definitely a lot on me and my family. It was really getting to me. So I definitely feel relieved that it's over and I can just get back to focusing on the season and go from there.
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