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Posts posted by Jamie_Taco

  1. 2 minutes ago, goheels1812 said:

    You’re making a bold assumption that I like/support Gable and agreed with what happened there (as far as him coming back)… can you point to where I ever said that? You said the situations were the same. They are not the same. AJ is being charged, Gable wasn’t.

    All forms of sexual assault are unacceptable in my opinion. The hill you have chosen to die on is “at least it wasn’t as bad as Gable!” That’s fine if you feel that way, but don’t expect everyone to jump right on board with your line of thinking. 

    Lol when did I ever say the situations were the same? I said they sound similar, except what the girl said Gable did was significantly worse than what AJ is being accused of.

    I don't expect anyone to align with my thinking, but I do find it funny how many hypocrites we have in this thread.

  2. 5 minutes ago, PortaJohn said:

    @Jamie_Taco is in "the know".  Ask him

    You seem upset by this. I don't claim to know a lot, but I have good info on this from someone who would definitely know. Again, not saying it's gonna happen but there is smoke, even with bouzakis doing damage control on Instagram.

    Also, bouzakis won't be the only 133 Iowa goes after this offseason. The Brands are making moves, so just sit back and watch it unfold. Kansas City is going to be fun!

  3. 3 minutes ago, PortaJohn said:

    I can't trust you unless you can verify your sources.  At this point you're just another random anonymous poster on a forum.  

    I would never out my sources, but I can assure you there have been talks between the two parties. Not saying it will happen, but it's not just a rumor.

    Choose to believe what you'd like, I don't really care.

  4. Just now, ionel said:

    Schooled on OK law?  I just asked you to read it, i'd already seen.  

    What misinfo? 

    Lol you can't be serious. You told me to, "Read the legal definition of assault in Oklahoma" without clearly having any sort of idea of what you were talking about. If not, then what were you alluding to?

    You said, "Such lack of respect then shows up off the mat in the form of pulling a gun on someone and rape."

    I provided the definition of misdemeanor assault and battery in the state of Oklahoma to prove there was no way a deadly weapon was involved with Anthony, as you suggested. You also clearly don't understand the difference between sexual battery and sexual assault. Again, I suggest you look into the Gable Steveson allegations to get an idea of what felony sexual assault looks like compared to sexual battery.

    You can just admit you were wrong and are a hypocrite.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Jimmy Cinnabon said:

    Gun crimes aren't a big deal in Iowa.  In fact several wrestlers in recent memory got in trouble for gun-related offenses and it was NBD, if I recall.

    Also what happened with Montell Marion's "permanent" temporary suspension?

    I already provided details to prove no guns were involved. Unless you all think the Stillwater DA decided not to correctly charge Anthony?

    Again, the Ferarri bros charges align with other things we've seen in the past from guys like Steveson and Ed Ruth, but for some reason, nobody wants to acknowledge it or they downplay what those guys did. As I said, Gable's accusations were significantly worse (look up felony sexual battery vs felony sexual assault) and Ed assaulted a police officer. Hell, Ed was arrested for a DUI two years later, so what did he learn from the 2011 incident?


    So I will ask, why the double standard here with you guys? 

  6. 14 hours ago, goheels1812 said:

    Couple things. 1st) the Gable and AJ situations are different. Gable was arrested, but never charged. AJ has been charged with felony sexual battery. 2nd) If (and I want to really emphasize the if here) AJ (or any athlete with similar charges) is convicted of a sexual assault crime against a female then it’s very fair to compare him to Brock Turner when it comes to having a second chance.  

    I want to emphasize AJ is innocent until he’s proven guilty in a court of law. But it’s going to be natural to compare his cases to other collegiate sexual misconduct cases. 

    You can twist it any way you want, what Gable was accused of was significantly worse than what AJ is being accused of. They just couldn't find the evidence to charge him. Still didn't make the situation any less dicey for Minnesota and it all worked out okay.


  7. Here I looked it up for you. No dangerous weapon = misdemeanor.


    Assault and battery crimes in Oklahoma can be misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the injury caused by the defendant, the identity of the victim, and whether the defendant used a dangerous weapon.

    For information on aggravated assault and battery and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, see Oklahoma Aggravated Assault and Battery Laws and Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon in Oklahoma.

    Assault or battery committed against a spouse, family member or someone you are dating is considered domestic abuse and subject to higher penalties than general assault and battery. For more information about domestic abuse laws, see Domestic Violence Laws in Oklahoma.


  8. 9 minutes ago, ionel said:

    Its not just "some flexing" its who & what he (and they) are doing such to, showing no respect for others.  Such lack of respect then shows up off the mat in the form of pulling a gun on someone and rape. 

    I keep seeing you guys talking about pulling a gun or shooting up a house, but the charges were misdemeanor assault and battery charges. That doesn't add up.

  9. 2 minutes ago, goheels1812 said:

    For the most part I do agree with this wholeheartedly, but I think some nuance applies. 

    If a kid steals from Walmart, of course they should get a second chance. 
    If a kid gets blackout drunk at 18, pees on a wall, and then vandalizes a car, of course they deserve a second chance. 

    When you start talking about the sexual assault and rape I think you start to get in that nuanced area because someone else is involved. If the allegations are true, the woman in the situation will spend the rest of her life living with what happened. It’s not something she can just get over and move on with life.

    Did Brock Turner deserve a second chance at swimming after his 6 month sentence? I’d argue he did not. 

    This sounds very similar to the Gable Steveson situation after his RS freshman year. Let's see how it plays out before comparing someone to Brock Turner.

  10. 1 minute ago, buckshot said:

    Anthony is facing assault and battery charges. 

    I have a hard time believing the shooting rumors with these charges. AJ is more of a worry, IMO.

    "Two misdemeanor assault and battery charges have been filed against former Stillwater High School wrestler and former Oklahoma State signee Anthony Ferrari, the younger brother of AJ Ferrari."


  11. 41 minutes ago, Rassling said:

    Iowa - thank you so much for the "ha ha" emoji.  Glad you find that funny - me too!  What I really find HILARIOUS is how quickly the eyeglass destroyer went viral NATIONWIDE!  Now that deserves 100,000 + "ha ha" emojis!  

    Make it a great day chief!

    The Daily Show Wow GIF by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

  12. 3 minutes ago, BAC said:

    He called Mohammed a false prophet. That may be his truth but it’s also a diss.

    Would you be fine with a Jewish or Muslim wrestler who used his speech to say “don’t worship Jesus, he is no god or savior”? They are just speaking their truth too, so it’s all good?

    I wouldn't care just like I don't care about what Brooks said. 

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