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Posts posted by russelscout

  1. Just now, d3grappler said:

    He has 3 years of eligible left and still on the team! Took an oly redshirt this year 

    NAIA is just the Wild West… been to the natty tournament a handful of times and there are always 1 or 2 guys where I just can’t understand how they are not at a top 5 D1 program. 

    • Bob 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, Gus said:

    People are soft because they are very easily offended, not just because they criticize something. I can handle criticism and have never gotten upset about anything said regarding this situation. There are people that are either professing Christian’s or non-Muslims that acted like they are offended by what Brooks said. Doesn’t make much sense to me. Again, the Christian view is that Jesus Christ is the only way. So, if someone is offended by what Brooks said, then they are just offended by Christianity. This has not been a very fruitful back and forth conversation so I’m going to opt out from replying further. Have a nice day. 

    To believe that and talk about it in appropriate settings is one thing. Too win a sporting event and decide it’s time to attack another religion is another. It was just odd and a choice that tells me Brooks is kind of one of those c*nty religious types.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Mr. PeanutButter said:

    There is only one 50 event contested at the Olympics and the 50/100/200 freestyle triple has, to my knowledge, never been done ( at the Olympics). 

    The 2 sports are as different as chess is to bowling so comparisons will always be fraught with challenges but I can definitely still appreciate your sentiment. 

    It blows my mind what Lopez can do at 41 years old in a sport so grueling and 5 consecutive golds is unpredecented so he certainly has a strong case for goat Olympian. 

    I'm super biased but, if you can, entertain the following:

    Phelps set something like 39 world records, which makes it easy to compare him against other goat swimmers. Unfortunately, wrestling doesn't lend itself well to similar comparisons. 

    The changes in technique and race tactics he introduced are now commonplace. He visibly changed how swimming is swum. Did Lopez change how greco is wrestled? Honestly asking, because I don't know. 

    Phelps brought the world record in the 200 IM from 1:58 to 1:54, which is the biggest comparative improvement in an event by a single swimmer in the modern era. He progressed the world records in 4 other events by smaller, though still significant margins. This ties into my previous point, which is that it's much easier to see how far Phelps advanced his sport, something that I don't know to be the case for Lopez. 

    This also factors into how dominant Phelps was relative to his competition. Yes, swimming has a ton of events, but that means you have to compare him against other swimmers, not against athletes from other sports. Besides having the greatest versatility of any swimmer all time, he also holds some of the largest margins of victory in swimming Olympics history - - all done across multiple events and multiple Olympics. 

    Phelps' dominance, versatility, and longevity are what set him far, far, faaaaar above any other history. For some people, like myself, that is enough to make him the greatest Olympic athlete in history. 

    Lopez' biggest case is that he remained undefeated across 5 Olympics. That is enough for some to put him above Phelps. Despite my bias, I can appreciate this argument and be almost swayed by it, were it not for the lasting changes that Phelps left on the sport. 


    Add a sidestroke and Phelps gets another medal…. Swimming is still swimming. I swam back in the day, so I get the differences, but too much is put on the amount of medals won in different sports. Plus, swimming is static. You are racing against a clock. There are few variables that interrupt your race, whereas wrestling you are competing against another person, and for someone like Lopez, you are wrestling against someone who is training specifically to beat you every match. We have seen the greats, Karelin, Satiev, Burroughs in 16, Susaki this year, and countless others take losses that no one expected. To win it 5 times like he did is absolutely amazing to me. 

    • Bob 2
  4. 18 minutes ago, billyhoyle said:

    Phelps winning 8/8 gold medals is a singular accomplishment that may never be done again, just like Lopez winning gold in 5 straight olympics might never be done again. 

    Usain Bolt is the single most impressive athlete that I've ever seen compete in the olympics though. The reason I say that is that I don't think there is a person who has ever lived that could have been faster. And he maintained what he did over 3 olympic games. I'm not sure his 100 or 200m records will fall any time soon. Lopez is incredible, and the greatest wrestler of all time, but I don't think the best athletes in the world become wrestlers. 

    With that said, Simone BIles might be the greatest olympic athlete of all time.  She is the greatest gymnast ever, which is one of the marquee sports in the olympics.  She also competed well beyond what is typical for female gymnasts. And she is a survivor of sexual abuse from a predator in USA gymnastics, and came back from that abuse to win again after struggling mentally because of it.  It is a story that we will only appreciate more with time, since I don't think people really understand the magnitude of what she has overcome and accomplished. I don't think there is a story as impactful in sports. 

    Simone has completely changed the sport. I think she has a unique body type that has aided her longevity, but also, I expect the average age of gymnasts to continue to climb a bit. The old Soviet way of starving these girls and overtraining to get one good Olympics out of them is going to the wayside.  

    • Bob 1
  5. Swimming gives out too many medals. 50, 100, and 200 for free, breast, fly and back seems like overkill, especially when the winners at 100 are usually contenders at either 50 or 200. Then you have the relays which is not an individual effort. Lopez achievements are far more impressive in my opinion.

    • Bob 4
    • Fire 1
  6. 48 minutes ago, scourge165 said:

    I can't believe Jimmy's schtick is still working.


    Yeah...Brooks didn't need to add that. I don't think THAT is the worst thing that's been done between Christians and Muslims in the name of Religion. It'd be nice if it were. If that was the worst things got or as far as we took it. 'Err...you said something I don't like about the Prophet...now I'm...really going to try and win an Olympic Gold.'



    Nah, just adds to the history of Brooks being an oddly over the top religious fanatic.

    • Bob 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Gus said:

    Just because I would not do something does not mean that I understand the criticism. I would not flex to the crowd after a match either... 

    Never said that anyone was not allowed to disagree. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and they can criticize if they choose to. My overarching point that seems to be flying over your head (and others as well) is that if someone is a Christian they automatically hold the view that Muhammad is a false prophet and Christ is the only way to heaven. If you want to disagree and criticize me then you can, that is fine. Like water of a ducks back brother... And if by being a fanatic you mean being a massive fan of Jesus Christ, then - yeah count me in! The only Potentate, he King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, God manifest in the flesh. Yes, I am a fanatic.

    But according to you, people are soft if they do criticize. That’s what I don’t understand. If you are discrediting another religion to prop up your own, then they say that’s some BS, they are soft? Sounds like you’re the one who can’t handle it.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Gus said:

    It is not the approach that I would have taken in an evangelistic effort either but I just don't see the big controversy about it is all I am saying. 

    There have been a few statements made by Aaron that lead me to believe that he is probable a Pentecostal type of Christian that I would strongly disagree with in much of his doctrine haha. 

    So if you wouldn’t take that approach, you understand the criticism, but also don’t believe he should be criticized? 

  9. Just now, Gus said:

    While I would have personally went with just sharing 1 Cor 15:1-4, but it is his moment and what a better time to share the gospel with the biggest audience possible. 

    Don’t put it out there if you can’t handle being criticized. People are allowed to disagree with Christians words and actions, especially the fanatical like Brooks and it sounds like yourself.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Gus said:

    I do not know the man personally so I will refrain from commenting on his personal convictions and theology. You can point out his comments and criticize them if you please, that's your liberty. I am moreso making a statement that putting anyone besides Jesus Christ as an object of salvation is an anti-Christian view. Any true Christian would hold the view that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.

    And you believe that after a wrestling match is a completely normal time to make that distinction about salivation? 

    • Bob 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, Gus said:

    To this day I do not see how what Brooks said is an issue. It is a fundamental of Christianity. Him saying that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven (which people say all the time, without controversy) is the same as him naming every single false prophet individually. People are soft. I know that people that follow Islam, Buddism, Catholicism, etc do not believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and I disagree with them, but it does not offend me.  

    If he is gonna put it out there, and criticize other religions after a secular wrestling event, that’s fine, but it doesn’t mean we can’t point out that it was odd and Brooks is an over the top Christian weirdo. That’s no criticism of the religion. I am super close to people who are very devout Christians. However, if you actually believe the way he talks isn’t weird, then either you are also weird or you’re lying to yourself. 

    • Bob 1
  12. 22 minutes ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

    I do not doubt that. I just think it is smart to not be on Facebook. While you miss out on good stuff, like this interview, you avoid a lot more bad stuff that the Facebook engagement algorithm pushes on you.

    For me it was the comments like “can’t go into detail, but pray for me because I’m going through a lot… way more than any of you” or “here are the ways my life/kid/job is better than yours…” 😛 I was worried I’d do serious damage to my vision with all the hard eye rolling.

  13. 5 hours ago, alliseeisgold said:

    Spencer Lee and maroulis are examples of those who are half American and can choose and are rightful Americans. 

    Emit elor is full blooded not American. She has more in common with the turkey opponent genetically.

    The Olympics are a competition against nations, not races… this is an incredibly dumb take.

    • Bob 1
  14. 17 minutes ago, denger said:

    Hildebrandt teched her at a ranking series event last July, but yeah, 0-2 at Worlds in 22 & 23. 

    Dolgorjav has a bunch of losses to Feng from China, who Sarah just beat in the 1/4s. 

    It's a tough style matchup for Hildebrandt. Last year I remember thinking, "Damn...Spaghetti has no answer for Meatball today"


    I don’t remember their matches in the past, although I probably saw them. Gotta imagine Sarah has trouble getting to any offense? Seems like she has trouble getting to the legs on the best at the weight.

    • Bob 1
  15. 12 minutes ago, Rassling said:

    russelscout?!! Haven’t seen ya in a while. You and I used to do battle in the past. Hope you’re doing well Mr Iowa!

    Thanks, same to you! Yeah, my life has seen some pretty drastic changes, and kept me off the boards since themat.com days. Still lurking from time to time… but you know I gotta be checked in for the Olympics and see Lee get his gold. 🙂

    • Bob 1
    • Wrestle 1
  16. 35 minutes ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

    By that logic you should make takedowns worth zero so no one is afraid to try for one.

    No. It’s more risky, but there’s also more reward. My point is that it doesn’t really change anything and does nothing to increase the frequency of attacks. You can now score an early takedown and have 2 stall calls to play with which is too bad since the number one issue in the sport in my opinion is refs refusing to call stalling. 

    We have yet to see it be a major issue so far, but I expect we will see a lot of sitting on first period leads come conference championships and the NCAAs

  17. 1 hour ago, boconnell said:

    I didn't say it's guaranteed to make guys attack more frequently.  

    But making offensive attacks worth more than defensive attacks is absolutely not going to discourage offense.  

    What if someone scores a takedown off of the others offensive attack? It also makes offensive attacks more risky.

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