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Everything posted by BobDole

  1. January 6th peaceful protesters only wanted to get pictures with their favorite politicians. I am not sure why more don't understand this.
  2. If Willie is Barbie you won't like him
  3. We don't need our guys distracted before the event!
  4. Sadly he died a couple years ago.
  5. Tupac told me about this a while ago.
  6. Ohh, do Easton now!
  7. You don't know what you are talking about, why are you even trying?
  8. Of course you can't tell me where I'm wrong, but go ahead with your astute observations. Only in your fantasy world where Trump is still running the show do you not understand supply and demand.
  9. Sorry for wasting your time, you weren't going to change anything you feel about the subject anyway. Maybe you could get away from Fox News and listen to trusted industry insiders. Of course that wouldn't be as fun when you can't blame it on one person.
  10. Fake news
  11. I almost beat him with one arm tied behind my back!
  12. Here is the simplistic version of what happened Trump pressured the Saudis to produce more oil thus driving down the gas prices and gas prices went down. Note that it also put a strain on the US oil as that cut into their profits. Covid hit and since no one was travelling there was an excess amount of oil/gas out there and prices plummeted more. Once that happened the US drilling started shutting down due to... LACK OF PROFITS. The combination of the Saudi's making more oil and covid caused this. That lead to less oil/gas production and thus gas prices going up again, you know the supply and demand thingy. US Oil production is up since Biden took office, that is a fact. The drilling that shut down has slowly started back up, but that takes MONEY and TIME. There is very little need for more drilling operations and permits as we have more than enough out there than we can currently utilize.
  13. Facts have no bearing in fantasy Fox world.
  14. The oil production and everything associated with it is too complicated to even put on this forum and way over your head.
  15. The right is easily distracted with word changes that it makes it easy to get them going on small meaningless tangents. Maybe the right should become smarter or less distracted by little things.
  16. To cover up the Clinton body count. If you're focused on the boogie man word changes you forget about Killary.
  17. Exactly, much more pressing issues than fantasy word problems. As they always say, "it's a distraction for something bigger going on."
  18. Keep focused on the words, they won't hurt you. It's a great distraction from everything the right feeds you. Worry about words and the wokeness instead of the crappy policies they put out.
  19. It's okay to have logophobia, it's more normal than you think.
  20. So what government people are in control of the English language?
  21. Matter of opinion. If you are tough enough you won't cave to the loony left and keep using the words you want to use. That is unless he's afraid of being like Bud Light.
  22. The horrible left coming after your words, it's such a sad sight. Usually libraries are considered safe spaces, you should go hide out there.
  23. Answer my question first, obviously it will pain you to type the answer so I'll let you do it. Better yet, I'm sure you'll go on a 10 post spree without anyone replying of random crap you've found on the internet.
  24. Since red states are so against socialism they shouldn't accept these funds right?
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