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On 11/7/2024 at 6:05 AM, jross said:


4. There is no full explanation for the hundreds of citizens testifying of fraud under oath, in cases dismissed for reasons unrelated to merit 

We will never get the answer.

Imagine if the stoic normies had clear publicly admittance to this… they might act.

check the other thread


it was two drunk guys.  🙄


On 11/7/2024 at 7:05 AM, jross said:

1. Not all the votes have been counted and there are millions left.

If the current data was final, it definitely signals 2020 ballot harvesting captured on video and testified was more frequent than admitted.

2. The 2020 election was admittedly rigged in ways the blue team is actively complaining they could not do in 2024(information control) - If you are on X, you are more likely to understand.

3. The alleged rigging in Georgia 2020 has still not gone through court after 4 years of shenanigans

4. There is no full explanation for the hundreds of citizens testifying of fraud under oath, in cases dismissed for reasons unrelated to merit 

We will never get the answer.

Imagine if the stoic normies had clear publicly admittance to this… they might act.

More correctly, you will never get the answer you want.

Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge


It had been 28 months as of May 2023 for the victory to move forward on ballot inspection

As of September 2024, they still have not seen the ballots.

That is... Favorito is suing the Fulton County Clerk to get access to election records under Georgia's Open Records law.


This really makes you question what's going on behind the scenes.

  • Bob 1

Another case in Georgia that is not publicly shared.

The board decides to discuss the matter of SEB 2023 25 in private.

Selected this video (the second one displayed) because you can hear the audience clamoring for transparency.


Rossi explains...

You can also read this letter - https://www.scribd.com/document/686826944/SEB202325violationsfoundcategory-Copy



Dear: Joseph Rossi

RE: SEB2023-025

As a courtesy, you are hereby informed that a matter regarding which you provided information to the State Election Board is on the agenda for the Board’s meeting to be held on December 19, 2023, at 8:30 A.M. The meeting will take place at the Georgia State Capitol, Room 341. You are not required to attend but are welcome to attend if you wish.

Only the respondent, as the party who is accused of a violation, is entitled to be heard on the allegations. The respondent, as the party accused, but no other party or parties will be afforded the opportunity to offer input for the Board to consider in determining whether a violation was committed and the disposition of the matter.

The matter involves allegations that were investigated by experienced investigators. During the investigation, the investigators considered facts initially supplied when the matter was opened and any other relevant information obtained and developed regarding the allegations. The investigators have prepared for the Board’s exclusive use a written report which is provided to each of the Board Members to review and study prior to the meeting. The report contains, where appropriate, an evaluation of whether the respondent(s) violated either state election law or State Election Board rules. At the Board meeting, investigators will present to the Board the findings of their investigation. The Board will make its own independent determination of whether there was or was not a violation.

The Board has separated complaints that will be heard at the meeting into two groups: those in which investigators found a violation and those in which they did not. This matter is in the violation-found category. The Board has sole discretion to determine if a violation occurred and, if so, how a matter will be resolved. If the Board finds that there has been no violation, the complaint will be dismissed. If the Board determines that there has been a violation, the Board has several options, including but not limited to referring the matter to the Attorney General and/or a District Attorney or issuing a Letter of Instruction.

The Board thanks you for your participation in our electoral process and in its ongoing quest for open, accessible, fair, transparent, and trustworthy elections.


The Georgia State Election Board
2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, SE
Suite 802 West Tower
Atlanta, GA 30334


Of course this continues to drag along...


  • Bob 1
On 11/6/2024 at 3:10 PM, VakAttack said:

Trump has fewer votes than he had in 2020, they wouldn't have even had to "cheat" as much as they allegedly did in 2020.

As of now it is reported that Trump is at 74 million and Harris is at 70 million and votes are still being counted with about 5 million more to go.  The final totals will be about 76 - 77 million for Trump beating his total for 2020.  73 million for Harris which returns to something close to trend line.    

People who tolerate me on a daily basis . . . they are the real heroes.

On 11/6/2024 at 4:22 PM, WrestlingRasta said:

I agree with you I’m very surprised the turnout dropped off as much as it did. 

Turnout is perfectly in line with historic trends this year.  The number of ballots counted for the Democrat candidate in 2020 is the only irrational number of all the turnout facts over the past 70 years of so.  Some of our quant colleagues can probably do the probabilities of the massive 2020 turnout, the humongous number of votes for Biden, and the massive coincidences of simultaneous multiple state vote count halts followed by nearly 100% Biden votes pouring in to flip 4 states.

Rasta, you are surprised because it beggars belief and your mostly rational mind knows it did not happen.

People who tolerate me on a daily basis . . . they are the real heroes.

11 hours ago, Paul158 said:

Food. Puppies,Barbeque.

He barbeques puppies and eats them?!?  That was debunked.  Unless . . .  Soylent Green is NOT people.


People who tolerate me on a daily basis . . . they are the real heroes.

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